Monthly Archives: September 2013

Former FBI Director Louis Freeh: Some corruption in BP settlement program

wogangsterumdieeckeknallen-hauptfotoFreeh, who was appointed by a federal judge to lead an independent review of alleged misconduct by a staff attorney who worked on the settlement program, cleared court-appointed claims administrator Patrick Juneau of engaging in any “conflict of interest, or unethical or improper conduct.” more@9+10news 22:47

Army Corps of Engineers shrinks review for Columbia River coal project, will limit its assessment to less than one mile around the project’s proposed dock

Coal export opponents say the limited review overlooks many of the impacts the project could have on fish, and they’re worried that the Corps will also choose to ignore the project’s broader environmental impacts. more@thecolumbian 17:27

Western Wave in Portland Harbor just now

20130906_124826She is clearly well down from the weight of herring aboard her from seining in the southern end of area 1a the Gulf of Maine. Reports of a large stock of fish near Portland are all over the water front. Featured Writer John Johnson  15:25

WOODEN BOAT FESTIVAL — The historic schooner Adventuress ‘belle of ball’

PORT TOWNSEND — The centennial celebration of the Adventuress has turned the historic schooner into a centerpiece of this year’s Wooden Boat Festival. One hundred is a big number for the Adventuress. Not only is it 100 years old, but it also is a little more than 100 feet long and weighs 100 tons. The schooner as built in East Boothbay, Maine, in 1913 for John Borden, who wanted to sail it to Alaska. A year later, it was sold to the Port of San Francisco as a pilot ship. more@peninsuladailynews  15:13

WOODEN BOAT FESTIVAL — Boats, music, sailing adventures in Port Townsend this weekend

Some 300 wooden boats are expected at the three-day festival that begins today at the Point Hudson Marina Festival Grounds at the end of Water Street. Schedule of events more@peninsuladailynews  14:38

The other CO2 problem: Oceans are becoming more acidic

We often hear about climate warming and melting arctic sea ice in the news, but have you ever wondered what effect climate change is having on our oceans?  more@homernews 14:30

Fishermen’s Premium Atlantic Lobster Inc to finance lobster processing plant in Nova Scotia

Fishermen’s Premium Atlantic Lobster company said millions of pounds of Nova Scotia lobster are exported to processing plants in New Brunswick every year and estimates a local lobster processing plant could create 80 jobs. “We could be manufacturing many different lobster products right here in Nova Scotia, creating sustainable economic long-term growth in our province,” said company director and co-founder Alton Smith in a news release. more@undercurrent  13:08

Jerry Anderson might not be Native American like the first reefnetters, but that doesn’t mean the ancient fishing practice doesn’t run in his blood.

When Jerry Anderson started reefnettingon Lummi Island in 1943, he was only ten. At the time, reefnet boats were essentially large canoes, built with planks over a wooden frame. The headstand — the tower a reefnetting crew stands on to look for fish — was made of wood and stood no more than 10 feet tall. Like today, fishermen stood watch on the headstand for schools of fish, then caught them in a net suspended between two boats. Power winches wouldn’t appear until the early 1960s. Fifty years later, the stand would be made of welded aluminum and rise 20 feet above a wide and stable barge. more@crosscut     This method of fishing results in the best quality wild salmon possible. more here  12:52

Marin Independent Journal Editorial: Court’s split ruling doesn’t end oysters battle – this road is nowhere near its end

TUESDAY’S SPLIT DECISION upholding the Interior Department’s controversial decision to not renew the lease of the Point Reyes oyster farm is not the end of the battle. Kevin Lunny, whose family owns and runs Drakes Bay Oyster Co., and his lawyers say they will appeal the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals decision, reached on a 2-1 ruling. more@marinij  11:11

“Thanks for all the fish” series – Part II – Fishy business – What, you didn’t know this city was built on cod?

At the beginning of the 20th Century, Seattle’s economy was based on natural resources and the processing of them. Timber from the region’s vast forests was turned into lumber.  Wheat and produce were milled and canned for consumption elsewhere. Coal from places with names like Black Diamond fueled industry and was exported to other areas. Fish from Alaska was processed in the canneries that lined the waterfront. more@crosscut  Part1:  Thanks for all the fish 10:23

The Port St. Joe Port Authority takes first steps on dredging channel

“This is a pretty significant endeavor,” Perry said. “It is a very aggressive (timeline). We want to be able to vet out issues and refine the scope (quickly).” The urgency on the seagress study is that such studies must be completed between March and September and reviewed by a National Marine Fisheries Service field survey in September. If the port misses that window a seagrass survey and in turn approval from the National Marine Fisheries Service could not be completed until 2014. more@thestar 09:59

STUART/ST. LUCIE INLET PRESERVE: Divers uncover coral reef damage south of lake releases

Toxic Treasure Coast waterways have been plaguing the river and lagoon for months. The river of pollution is pouring out the St. Lucie Inlet onto a state protected coral reef. Divers go down under to survey the damage. Reef monitors say they are seeing some sentinel or warning signs of . The water is a filmy brown color, but so far the fish are still here. To the south of the inlet, the impact is much greater. [email protected] 09:14

The porpoise-driven life – Being “Cute”

If I could get any animal, it would be a dolphin. I want one so bad. – Miley Cyrus George Orwell was right. Some animals are more equal than others. Remember the big push for dolphin-safe tuna back in the late 1980s? more@northjersey 08:31

Fishing experiment a success: DFO – Future of commercial fishing in Howe Sound still up in air

863a4ac9dc_64635696_o2There’s a good-news story swimming up Howe Sound, a fisheries official says. Two weeks ago, for the first time in half a century, the Department of Fisheries and Oceans (DFO) allowed commercial fishing in the waterway. During an exploratory three-day commercial fisheries trial, trawlers hauled an estimated 282,400 pink salmon out of the sound.  more@the chief  08:13

Bluenose II back in water after 3-year more than $16-million refit

The Bluenose II is scheduled to back in the water today, three years after it was dry-docked for restoration. The launch is scheduled for 8 a.m. at the Lunenburg Marine Railway, depending on wind and weather conditions after having completed its refit for masts and rigging. more@cbcnews  07:39

Japanese Fishermen’s Group Reject Release of Fukushima Water to Ocean

The Japanese fishermen’s group made its comments four days after Nuclear Regulation Authority Chairman Shunichi Tanaka said the release of water, after being treated to remove most contaminants, could be a necessary part of managing growing volumes of irradiated water at the plant. Tanaka’s remark “is not something we fishermen can swallow by any measure,” the association said in the statement.  more@bloomberg 07:27

Latest move toward gas drilling off Mississippi Coast meets with opposition

The Gulf Restoration Network has asked the Department of Marine Resources to slow down its review of rules made by the Mississippi Development Authority to govern exploration and drilling for gas off the Coast. “This was released on the Friday before the Labor Day weekend and it gives folks just a little over two weeks to comment,” said Raleigh Hoke of the Restoration Network, which is part of the 12 Miles South Coalition. That group is trying to keep any exploration and drilling at least 12 miles south of the barrier islands.  more@sunherald  07:21

Coast Guard crew seizes lancha, 297 illegally caught fish, and detained Los Cuatro Ladrones de Pescado

20:37:41CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas — Crewmembers of the Coast Guard Cutter Brant seized a lancha and detained Mexican nationals caught illegally fishing in U.S. waters, Wednesday, in the U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone. more@uscgnews 20:37

Here they are in studio, doing their latest, “We Give Them Coasties a Hellufa Run!”

Fisheries Ministers Commit to Working Together to Protect Fisheries and Develop Canadian Fishing and Aquaculture Industry

“Today was a day of collaboration between federal, provincial and territorial partners,” said the Honourable Gail Shea, Minister of Fisheries and Oceans Canada. “We want to see our fisheries and aquaculture industries grow and we remain committed to working together to protect our fisheries’ productivity and develop the fishing and aquaculture industries to ensure its sustainable future in Canadian waters.” more@marketwired  19:50

British Columbia: American skipper arrested Monday on suspicion of impaired operation of a vessel after his fishing boat ran aground near Kelsey Bay

The 58-foot American F/V Arline was heading south when it ran aground and the two remaining crew members apparently tried to abandon ship. Conditions may have been foggy at the time. The two remaining crew were safely evacuated and the captain was escorted to Campbell River while Coast Guard towed his boat. Awaiting the captain at the docks in Campbell River were Mounties, Canadian Border Services, Transport Canada, and Fisheries and Oceans Canada. Police arrested the captain on suspicion of impaired operation of a motor vessel and dangerous operation of a motor vessel. more@campbellrivermirror 18:00

Economic Performance of U.S. Catch Share Programs

nmfs_logoThis report provides basic information on the economic performance of U.S. catch share programs using a standard set of indicators that are uniformly applied across these highly diverse programs. The EDF swill  [email protected]    NMFS report  17:34

Alaska: As Stream Levels Drop, Salmon Die Before Spawning

Some rainfall over the weekend may have eased a looming crisis for pink salmon stocks in Southeast Alaska. The summer’s fine weather and record salmon runs have both made headlines – but they’re a recipe for trouble without enough water in rivers and streams for fish to spawn. [email protected]  17:07

National Research Council Report – Catch limits boost depleted fish stocks

WASHINGTON (AP) — Federal efforts to rebuild depleted fish populations have largely been successful, but pressure to overfish some species remains high, and some fish stocks have not rebounded as quickly as projected, according to a new report by a scientific panel. more@knoxnews  16:09

Heres a handy interactive doodadd to play with – Rebuilding Depleted Fish Stocks –

Rebuilding Depleted Fish Stocks To be considered sustainable, a population of fish must produce enough young to replace the fish that are lost each year due to natural causes and to fishing. However, when the rate of fishing exceeds the stock’s capacity to regenerate, the stock can become overfished. Rebuilding strategies help reduce fishing pressure on stocks and are designed to allow the stocks to grow and recover. This chart plots the trajectory, from 1980 to 2010, of 55 stocks that were declared overfished since 1997. more here  15:04

FAQ: Radiation from Fukushima – and Answers from Ken Buesseler, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

Since mid-2011, I have worked with Japanese colleagues and scientists around the world to understand the scope and impact of events that continue to unfold today. In June 2011, I organized the first comprehensive, international expedition to study the spread of radionuclides from Fukushima into the Pacific, and I or members of my lab have participated in several other cruises and analyzed dozens of samples of water, sediment, and biota. In addition, I began my career in oceanography by studying the spread of radionuclides from Chernobyl in the Black Sea. These are a few of the most common questions that people have been asking me lately. more from Ken Buesseler  14:48

Headless Walrus wash ashore in Northwest Alaska; foul play not suspected

Over a dozen headless walrus carcasses washed ashore along dozens of miles of coastline in northwest Alaska last week. While the number of walruses is a bit surprising, the fact that they are lying out there — and without their heads — is not. more@alaskadispatch  14:35

New marketing efforts in Maine could benefit everyone in the industry by leading to increased demand, says Fisheries Minister Ron MacKinley.

MacKinley said he thinks what is happening in Maine could lead to higher prices for Island lobster fishermen. “The more lobsters that we can move, the more it should help the price,” he said. Lobster fishermen in the Atlantic region have marketing help through the Lobster Council of Canada, which was established to promote the product as part of efforts to get higher prices. more@theguardian  14:24

Discovery Channel’s ‘Lobstermen’ Star Captain Tim Handrigan Delivers Live, Fresh Lobsters to Doorsteps Nationwide

For over 30 years, Legendary New England Lobsterman Tim Handrigan of Discovery Channel’s “Lobstermen” series has been catching Live Maine Lobsters in the deep icy waters of the North Atlantic, and for the past 12 years he has been shipping fresh caught live lobsters right to customers’ doors, via more@marketwatch website  14:00

“They’ll eat anything.” Newfoundland – The green crab invasion

Port Saunders fisherman Eugene Caines has been monitoring the green crab invasion for the last few years. The European species was first detected in Newfoundland back in 2007, and has had a tremendous effect on the Placentia Bay ecosystem. Because of the crab’s invasive and aggressive nature, Caines feared they would move into Northern Peninsula waters. Now his concerns are a reality and he’s got the proof in a five-gallon bucket. more@thetelegram 12:09

Buckley Diversion Dam: Army Corps foot-dragging damming pink salmon to a cruel fate

To date, the Corps of Engineers has shamelessly dragged its feet despite the fact that NOAA’s Fisheries Service called in 2007 for Buckley Dam to be modernized to ensure that the dam — and the Corps — are in compliance with the Endangered Species Act. more@thenewstribune  11:45