Daily Archives: August 22, 2016

Two injured in lobster boat collision near Owls Head

IMG_7989[1].JPGTwo people were injured when lobster boats collided Monday morning off the Muscle Ridge Islands near Owls Head and South Thomaston. The two were taken Pen Bay Medical Center with injuries not considered life-threatening after the Thrasher struck the Centerfold about 8:30 a.m., according to U.S. Coast Guard Petty Officer Meghan Canoon. The two 42-foot vessels were hauling traps in the fog, she said. One person on each boat was hurt. The Coast Guard has not released the names of the injured, but Centerfold owner Cyrus Sleeper said he was taken to the hospital to be checked. He said he suffered some bruises. He added that two other crew members on his vessel were not injured. Read the rest here  19:46

Yurok Tribe finds deadly disease in Klamath River salmon

sm_klamathDan Bacher: The Klamath River salmon fishery, an integral part of the culture, religion and livelihoods of the Yurok, Hoopa Valley and Karuk Tribes of Northern California, is going through some tough times this year. Because of the record-low run of fall-run Chinook salmon projected by federal fishery managers earlier this year, the Yurok Tribe, the largest Indian Tribe in California, held its Klamath Salmon Festival this August without serving traditionally-cooked salmon to the public as it has done for 54 years.  Then on August 19, the Tribe announced that Yurok Fisheries crews conducting routine fish disease monitoring have found that salmon in the Klamath River on the Yurok Reservation are infected with a potentially deadly disease.  Ichthyophthirius multifiliis, commonly known as ich (pronounced “ick”), is capable of causing large fish kill events, according to the Tribe. Ich was the primary pathogen that caused the 2002 fish kill in the Klamath River and killed more than 35,000 adult Chinook salmon and steelhead after the disease spread in low, warm conditions spurred by Bush administration water policies that favored irrigators over fish and downstream water users. Read the story here 19:22

The War on Fishing

Old_man_fishingAnimal rights activists don’t want us eating fish or catching them recreationally. Fish may feel pain, don’t you know. Thus fishing is too cruel. When the usual suspects advocate destroying a trillion dollar industry, it is one thing. But when an outdoors magazine sympathizes, attention must be paid. From “Fish Have Feelings: Does That Mean We Are Torturing Them? Click here ” in Outside magazine: If fish feel pain, then many of us may have to rethink our life choices. We catch and eat nearly a thousand times more fish than terrestrial animals, and fishing practices in much of the world are barbaric. Conventional fishing kills millions of fish unnecessarily and most certainly subjects the animals to pain. “It really can’t be considered humane,” says Mary Finelli of Fish Feel. (rolling eyes) Like hunters are prime targets of animal rights activists, sport fishermen are now in the target zone. Read the rest here 16:34

North Carolina Fisheries Association Weekly Update for August 22, 2016

Click here to read the Weekly Update, to read all the updates, Click here 16:12

Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council August Meeting Review


The Gulf of Mexico Fishery Management Council met in New Orleans, Louisiana, August 15 – 18, 2016. The Council welcomed its newest member Dr. Thomas Frazer, Director of the School of Natural Resources and Environment for the University of Florida.  In addition, Douglas Boyd (TX) and Leann Bosarge (MS) were each sworn in for an additional 3-year term. The Council elected Leann Bosarge as Council Chair and Johnny Greene as Council Vice Chair for the upcoming year. Issues in this update include – Data Collection – Coral and Habitat Protection – Modifications to the Commercial Individual Fishing Quota Programs – Gray Triggerfish – Federal Reef Fish Headboat Survey Vessel Management – Red Snapper Management for Federally Permitted Charter Vessels – Mackerel – Council Wrap-Up Webinar – The Council will host a webinar to review the Council meeting. Please join us at 6 p.m. ESTWednesday, August 24 for a quick presentation followed by a question and answer session. Register for the webinar here:  To read the details, Click here 15:52

72 hours to vacate: First Nation gives eviction notice to salmon farm –

A B.C. First Nation has served a 72-hour eviction notice to a fish farm on the northern coast of the province. Hereditary chiefs from Musgamagw Dzawada’enuxw First Nation boarded a Cermaq/Mitsubishi salmon farm off the Burdwood Islands earlier this week. Their message was clear: it’s time to leave. The leaders of Musgamagw Dzawada’enuxw cite the fish farm’s occupation of their ancestral lands as the reason for the eviction, as well as concerns that the farm has damaged wild salmon habitat. In an interview with CBC News, Moon said their position is firm. “This is unconditional,” said Moon. “We want them out of our territories.” A letter regarding the eviction is also being sent to the provincial and federal governments. Read the story here 12:27

Coast Guard medevacs man off fishing vessel near Hobucken, NC

coast guardThe Coast Guard medevaced a man Monday off a fishing vessel near Hobucken. Station Hobucken watchstanders were notified at approximately 1 a.m. Monday that the captain of the fishing vessel Master Joseph, homeported out of Bayboro, was reportedly disoriented and had temporarily lost consciousness. A Coast Guard 45-foot Response Boat-Medium crew from Station Hobucken launched at approximately 1:30 a.m. and arrived on scene at approximately 2 a.m. The crew medevaced and transferred the captain back to R.E. Mayo Seafood in Hobucken, where EMS personnel took him to CarolinaEast Medical Center in New Bern. Link  12:02

FDA warns Hawaii seafood processor about handling of tuna

ahi-tuna406x250A seafood-processing facility in Honolulu was found to have “serious violations” of the seafood Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point (HACCP) regulations during a May 17 and 20 inspection by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. The resulting warning letter, dated July 27 and sent from the agency’s San Francisco District Office, informed Tropic Fish Hawaii LLC that its “fresh, refrigerated histamine-forming fish products, including Ahi tuna, mahi mahi, and skipjack tuna” are therefore adulterated, meaning that “they have been prepared, packed, or held under insanitary conditions whereby they may have been rendered injurious to health.” Click here to read the article  11:42

American Fisheries Society recognizes Bill Hogarth with top conservation award

122080_webThe American Fisheries Society is honoring recently retired Florida Institute of Oceanography Director Bill Hogarth with the Carl R. Sullivan Fishery Conservation Award – one of the nation’s premier awards in fisheries science – in recognition of his long career and leadership in preserving some of the world’s most threatened species, advocating for environmental protections and leading Florida’s scientific response to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill. The award recognizes a wide span of achievements in Hogarth’s 51-year-career in marine science, beginning with his research into threatened fish species; his roles as director of the National Marine Fisheries Service and chairman of the International Whaling Commission; and his service as the former dean of the University of South Florida’s College of Marine Science and Director of the Florida Institute of Oceanography. During his career, Hogarth is credited with,,, Read the rest here 09:59

Quality more important than quantity in cod fishing, says FFAW

cod-fishResearchers with the Fish, Food and Allied Workers Union (FFAW) are working with fish harvesters to determine how to ensure cod caught in Newfoundland and Labrador is top quality. As Newfoundlanders and Labradorians can attest, many can tell the difference between a great piece of cod and an average one. And the FFAW’s new project is aiming to close the gap between the two.  Bill Broderick, the inshore director of the FFAW, told CBC’s The Broadcast that 32 harvesters have signed on for the project. He said fish harvesters need to ensure they catch quality cod because, these days, quality is more important than quantity. Read the rest here 09:47

If you find a crab with a green t-bar tag and/or orange knuckle tag marked with “AOLA” You could win money!

jonah tagsMassachusetts’s Division of Marine Fisheries, in collaboration with the Atlantic Offshore Lobstermen’s Association, is tagging Jonah crabs to investigate migration patterns and growth. Information will be used for Jonah crab stock assessment.  WHAT TO REPORT: date, location, tag #, crab sex, egg status and whether you kept or released the animal. For green tags only, if you have a way to measure   carapace width in millimeters, we would appreciate that information as well. REWARDS: Every tag report will qualify as one raffle entry.  Rewards will be drawn July 1, 2017 and July 1, 2018: 1st place – $500, 2nd place – $300, 3rd place $200. Green tag reports with width measurement will be additionally entered into high  value cash raffles drawn July 1, 2017 and 2018: 1st place – $1,000, 2nd place $500 If you haul a tagged crab, please release it and contact (774) 251-9454 or [email protected] Click here 08:37