Daily Archives: August 9, 2024

He was found fatally shot in his truck 15 years ago. Whatcom County detectives believe it was an ambush

Fifteen years have gone by with no tips to help Whatcom County Sheriff’s detectives solve an Everson man’s homicide. Even so, detectives say they are close to solving the case. On July 28, 2009, Jeff Little was found dead in the front seat of his pickup truck on Massey Road. The 34-year-old had been shot to death. Detectives found at least 11 bullet holes in his truck, three of which struck Little. Jeff Little worked as a commercial fisherman in Alaska but returned to Washington in July to get medical attention for an injury in his hometown.  “He was in the engine room, and he hurt his knee, and he had to come home to have it looked at,” his brother, Joel Little, said. “In less than 24 hours of him being home, he was gone.” Video, more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 20:14

Lobster’s nightmare: Vicious Atlantic wolffish is one scary catch in the Gulf of Maine

Atlantic wolffish are vicious looking. Their head is huge with gaping teeth that protrude from their lips both top and bottom, giving them a severe overbite. Their tail is tapered with long dorsal and anal fins, which give it a look of an eel. Beware to anyone trying to get a hook out of their mouth! These fish enjoy cold water and can be found throughout the Gulf of Maine to Labrador and down to the Great South Channel of Georges Bank in New England. Amazingly, they can survive in some of the coldest water by producing “antifreeze” proteins stored in their blood and livers. This keeps their blood from freezing under extreme conditions. Around age 5-6, they reach maturity and begin mating. It appears that wolffish are solitary animals except during the mating season, according to NOAA, which occurs in the Gulf of Maine during the fall. The wolffish find mates and remain together until the female lays her eggs. Lobsters beware! The teeth of the wolffish allow them to eat and crush almost anything they want, and what they want are lobsters. They have several rows of very sharp teeth. My husband, always a biologist, when he was fishing commercially regularly dissected the fish he caught to see what they had been eating. Twenty years ago, he opened a 20-pound wolffish and found 21 lobster tails and more body parts in its stomach! more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 14:20

As Europe reviews its rules on seal products, Canada calls for easing of restrictions

The Canadian government is calling on the European Union to ease restrictions on seal products as member states review trade regulations. Ottawa said in a letter dated Tuesday to the European Commission’s vice-president that Canada has been given the opportunity to “provide input” on the seal trade while the union fine tunes its rules. The outcome is scheduled to be published on the site in eight weeks. In 2009, the European Union limited imports for Canadian seal products, citing the “pain, distress, fear and other forms of suffering” of seals because of the way in which they are killed and skinned. Canada has many species of seals including bearded, grey, harbour, harp, hooded and ringed. Three of these — grey, harp, and hooded — are killed for commercial uses. more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 10:44

U.S. Offshore Wind Opponents Seek to Form National Group to Fight Projects

U.S. activists opposed to offshore wind development are forming a national coalition aimed at fighting projects from California to New England, according to the effort’s founder and two other organizations. The National Offshore-wind Opposition Alliance, or NOOA, aims to bring a national profile to what is currently a fractured movement of dozens of local groups, according to its president, Mandy Davis. Offshore wind is a nascent industry in the United States and a key pillar of U.S. President Joe Biden’s plan to combat climate change. His administration’s push to install turbines along every U.S. coastline has attracted pushback, including multiple lawsuits, from residents concerned about the industry’s impact on tourism, property values, fishing and marine habitats. more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 08:25

Steve Johnson’s Lynn Marie is Fastest Lobster Boat Afloat

Lucky Oppedisano pointed at a boat making its way to the starting line for the Gasoline Free-for-All race. The retired lobsterman identified the dark-colored boat as the type that can “roll through the water easily.” “I wouldn’t be surprised to see him win this race,” Oppedisano said. Sure enough, Steve Johnson’s Lynn Marie buzzed to a first-place finish in one of the final contests of the 32nd Harpswell Lobster Boat Races in Middle Bay. The July 28 event packed the waterfront at George J. Mitchell Field with spectators, continuing a local tradition. The Lynn Marie also took the crown as the Fastest Lobster Boat Afloat and Fastest Lobster Boat in Casco Bay, reaching a top speed of 57.7 miles per hour. Jeff Eaton’s La Bella Vita was another big winner, taking gold in the Diesel Free-for-All and the Diesel Class K race while finishing third in Fastest Lobster Boat Afloat. Photos, race results, more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 06:55