Daily Archives: August 20, 2024

Bottom-trawl fishing consultation launched in Scotland

The Scottish government has embarked on a public consultation that could ban bottom-trawl fishing across 20 offshore marine protected areas. For 15 of these, the government is considering two options – banning bottom trawling across the whole site or protecting only ‘features’, such as reefs – where they are present. For the remaining five, only site-wide bans are being proposed. “These ocean havens are home to some of Scotland’s most incredible marine wildlife, and this is our chance to restore, replenish and regenerate Scotland’s seas,” said Hugo Tagholm, executive director of Oceana UK. “The Scottish government’s consultation on this vital issue is welcome and much needed.” more, >>CLICK TO READ<<< 18:52

Nantucket Select Board no fan of federal wind farm regulator

The Nantucket Select Board has released what might be described as a dispatch from the front lines of offshore wind development, a hot take on what it’s like to be a municipality trying to co-exist with the nation’s first industrial-scale wind farm. The hot take takes the form of answers to 25 frequently asked questions, some of which merely lay out the existing regulatory landscape Nantucket finds itself in while others criticize federal regulators for prioritizing national concerns over those of local communities. The Select Board sharply criticizes the main federal offshore wind regulator, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management, or BOEM. “We do not believe BOEM is fulfilling its duty,” the board said. “We have seen little balance in BOEM’s permitting approach to offshore wind, which significantly favors industry developers, including foreign-government owned developers, over the legitimate concerns of US coastal communities and Tribal Nations.” more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 14:04

New state report shows solid year for commercial fishing in Oregon, Lincoln County-based fleet

Oregon’s commercial fishing industry had a solid, if not record-breaking, year in 2023, according to a new report from the state Employment Department. Statistics covering everything from pounds of seafood landed, revenues from individual fisheries and total employment showed strong signs of at least keeping up with historical averages, said the report’s author, Shaun Barrick, a workforce economist for Lincoln, Clatsop, Columbia and Tillamook counties. “Typically, commercial fishing in Oregon is really a mixed bag because of how many species we target,” Barrick said. “But, as always, it’s hard to overstate how important it is for employment. And the cultural impact of fishing is huge.” Here are some numbers highlighting Barrick’s report. more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 10:10

Report shows salmon numbers slowing from B.C. landslide

A new report is providing some early insight on how last month’s landslide into the Chilcotin River affected the run of salmon that swims up the Chilcotin and Fraser rivers every year to reproduce. Monitoring efforts reveal the number of salmon that head upstream during August has slowed — but the exact scale of the disruption isn’t yet clear. “The landslide certainly had a role already in slowing the migration,” Scott Hinch, a salmon ecologist at the University of British Columbia. “The issue is whether it’s slowed it to the point that these fish are not going to be able to complete their migration up the Chilcotin.” more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 08:49

BOEM issues first floating offshore wind lease in the US

The lease area where the floating turbines will be deployed covers an area of approximately 15,000 acres located 28 nautical miles offshore Maine on the US Outer Continental Shelf. The area could allow for the deployment of up to 12 floating offshore wind turbines capable of generating up to 144 MW of renewable energy.  The research array will allow the state, the fishing community, wildlife experts, the offshore wind industry, and others to conduct in depth studies and thoroughly evaluate floating offshore wind as a renewable energy source. As proposed, the research array will use floating foundation technology designed by the University of Maine and deployed by its development partner, Diamond Offshore Wind. UMaine’s floating platform, known as VolturnUS, was recently awarded a US$12.5M grant from the US Department of Energy. more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 07:28

Shrimply the best: Discover Alabama’s shrimp industry

As Bubba Blue famously said in “Forrest Gump,” shrimp is the fruit of the sea. Whether you like it barbecued, boiled, broiled, baked or sautéed, this small creature sure makes a big impact in Alabama. The shrimp industry in Alabama consists of both wild-caught and farm-raised species. Alabama waters are home to between 15 and 22 wild shrimp species. However, only three of these are commercially caught: brown, white and pink. On inland farms, Luke Roy, an Alabama Extension aquatic resources Extension professor, said farmers often raise Pacific white shrimp. “Pacific white shrimp are not native to the Gulf of Mexico, and they are the species of choice by most producers,” Roy said. “They are desirable because of their tolerance for low-salinity water. They also have a desirable feed conversion ratio and the ability to be cultured at high densities with low aggression.” Photos, more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 06:22