Tag Archives: 55th annual Winter Harbor Lobster Festival

55th Annual Winter Harbor Lobster Festival and Boat Races

A video of friendly happy people and fast boats! For 55 years, the Winter Harbor Community have come together to celebrate lobstermen! “It’s big you know it’s big for the lobster industry. It gets lobsters name out there it gets people buying lobster it gets people interested in lobster, it’s good for the state of Maine. The whole boat racing scene is good for the state of Maine,” said Kristin Porter from the Maine Lobsterman’s Association. >click to read<18:13

“55th annual Winter Harbor Lobster Festival” – Lobster boats will race at Winter Harbor

The 55th annual Winter Harbor Lobster Festival, Saturday,,, With two special twists, this year’s Winter Harbor Lobster Boat Races should attract a large and enthusiastic fleet. First, the post-race prize at this year’s drawing among competing racers is a spanking new 35-foot Mitchell Cove lobster boat hull. Second, but probably more of a draw, this year’s races will honor Keith Young, who was instrumental in organizing and running the Winter Harbor Lobster Boat Races for 40 years,,, >click to read< 11:58