Tag Archives: activist

Sad news from Alaska today – John Enge (Jr.) passes over the bar

john and terry enge jrJohn established the www.alaskacafe.blogspot.com on fisheries.  He was a relentless champion of integrity for the fishermen of the State of Alaska and beyond.  He lived an exemplary family life, caring for his family under often demanding challenges, and his sons served well in the US military during MidEast campaigns, and so much more….Formerly a Fisheries Infrastructure Development Specialist, with Alaska Dept of Commerce, a fish plant manager etc. https://www.blogger.com/profile/07287813394824547601 Many examples of his writing are on his website, for example, on the CFA concept for Kodiak, see: http://alaskacafe.blogspot.com/2014/03/a-cfa-or-rsda-for-community-benefit.html John had a brain cancer called a glioblastoma. Rest easy, John, you left this world a better place.  08:22