Tag Archives: American Heartland Fish Products

China again shows interest in Grafton fish plant – commercializing Asian carp

Chinese natural resources officials will visit American Heartland Fish Products Wednesday seeking knowledge about Asian carp from the U.S. manufacturing company that began reducing the invasive species’ populations in U.S. inland waterways, “They are interested in learning everything they can about what is going on with Asian carp in the U.S.,,, Read more here 11:14

Processing Asian Carp – Nearly half of Grafton fish plant equipment installed

Falcon Protein Products’ green technology and equipment inventors, Ken Mosley and Rick Renninger, along with others from their company, which partners with American Heartland Fish Products, or AHFP, delivered 40 percent of the equipment package needed to implement a new rendering system that American Heartland’s Grafton fish protein plant will use to turn whole Asian carp into fish meal and Omega 3 oil. The green technology and equipment enables the new system to dehydrate fish offal, or non-edible parts, instead of cooking the animal waste like conventional rendering. Read [email protected] 09:08