Tag Archives: Argentine Sea

The Galician fisherman who accidentally became a spy in the Falklands War

Four decades after the war that hurts Argentines the most, Fernando Otero, a 68-year-old Galician sailor who never lived more than ten blocks from the sea, remembers his days aboard the Usurbil, the fishing vessel that in 1982 searched for hake by the Argentine Sea when he was militarized and forced to do intelligence work while pretending to fish. “I was there when the military arrived and the ship was militarized,” says Otero, a senior naval mechanic who was in charge of maintaining the Usurbil’s machines. When he arrived in Argentina to board the Usurbil, the steel-hulled freezer trawler that had been launched in 1968 in Vigo and later sold to the company Pesquera del Atlántico SA, Otero had ten years of experience and had already sailed the Atlantic, the Pacific, the Indian. >click to read< 08:46