Tag Archives: best available science
Lobster Fishing Association Files Lawsuit Against NOAA Whale Plan
A lobster fishing group based in Maine filed a lawsuit against the federal government on Monday charging new rules designed to protect whales are not based on the best available science. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration announced the rules, designed to protect North Atlantic right whales, in August.,, The Maine Lobstermen’s Association has pushed back against the rules,,, >click to read< 11:27
Dear Senator Warren
Dear Senator Warren , As a retired commercial fisherman, and your constituent, I am trying to help those fishermen that still exist. I want to out line our problems, as I see them. A. The science used by NOAA decides our future. Under the current law NOAA does not have to compare or look at other scientific data. They “own” the term “best available science” exclusively, excluding better data collected by non government entities, including collaborative science between industry and academia! This is wrong. This needs to be changed, and the only way is to have some wording in The Magnusson Act to that effect. By supporting HR-200, you can right this wrong. B. Saltonstall-Kennedy Act,,, >click to read<18:57
D.B. Pleschner: Is court the right place to determine ‘best available science’?
A U.S. District Court judge recently ruled that the federal government’s catch limit for California’s central stock of anchovy — currently 25,000 metric tons — is far too high. But instead of weighing all the facts, the judge ignored them, shunned the established precedent of deference to federal agencies’ scientific determinations and instead endorsed the flawed arguments of the advocacy group Oceana. So what happened? >click to read< 21:55
Enviro Suit alleges National Marine Fisheries Service ignored ‘best available science’ in sonar ruling. what…wha..
Hmm “Best Available Science”? The National Marine Fisheries Service violated federal law when it authorized the Navy’s use of sonar in training exercises off Hawaii and California through 2018, an environmental group said in a lawsuit filed Monday. Read more@latimes 14:45
Saving Mehaden.org Analysis – Wild Ocean article “Menhaden Science Supports Conservation,”
Early in 2013, the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission’s (ASMFC) Menhaden Technical Committee determined that there is too much uncertainty in the most recent stock assessment results to determine whether or not menhaden are currently overfished. Despite this development, Ken Hinman, in his Wild Ocean article “Menhaden Science Supports Conservation,” asserts that continued