Tag Archives: Charlie McGeoghegan

P.E.I. lobster buyers vote to suspend collecting lobster levy

Island lobster buyers are not collecting the one cent per pound levy this year, but fishermen will continue to pay theirs. P.E.I. was the first province in the region to introduce the two cent levy in 2016. The levy took one cent per pound from Island fishermen for lobster they brought in and another cent per pound from the buyers. The money was used for marketing lobster products with the fishermen’s levy going toward the Lobster Fishers Marketing Board and the buyer’s share to the P.E.I. Lobster Marketing Authority Inc. Francis Morrissey, former acting president of the P.E.I. Lobster Marketing Authority Inc., said buyers voted earlier this year to suspend collecting the levy in 2018. >click to read<22:53

Liberal backbencher Charlie McGeoghegan calls for lobster holding facility

863a4ac9dc_64635696_o2McGeoghegan is suggesting government take a lead role in developing a live lobster holding facility. The idea has been tossed around for years. McGeoghegan said holding onto premium, hard-shell live lobster until the season is over would fetch better prices than sending everything to be processed. Read more here  13:59