Tag Archives: environmental campaigners

Small fishing boats in Scotland could be tracked under new plans

Small fishing vessels could be required to use tracking and monitoring systems under new proposals from the Scottish Government. A new consultation proposes that the devices be fitted to all commercial fishing vessels under 12 metres long. They are already required for vessels longer than this while fishing in waters around Europe. The Government also published the outcome of other fishing consultations, saying remote electronic monitoring – which is more sophisticated than vessel tracking – will become mandatory on large pelagic vessels and scallop dredgers. >click to read< 09:41

Why is it that so many prominent environmental campaigners turn out to be such scumbags, sleazebags, hypocrites or frauds?

The latest to be exposed is, of course, New York’s ex-Attorney General Eric Schneiderman. When Schneiderman wasn’t busy – allegedly – “choking, beating and threatening” women, he was busy bullying the people he calls “climate deniers”. Here he is on a video in 2014 declaring that “climate deniers have no place in public life.” Let me give you a few more examples: Al Gore and the Portland massage therapist (one of several victims, allegedly, of his tentacular groping…) Rajendra Pachauri, former head of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, exposed as a serial sex pest. David Suzuki – Canada’s most feted eco-campaigner who just happens to be a dick who is extremely rude and – see also Gore – an appalling hypocrite: >click to read<12:40

Biologists: Fisheries at Risk as Bills Target Science-Based Conservation – Reauth hearing tomorrow

Are fish the next casualties in the war on science? A group of distinguished marine scientists, including a former administrator of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), apparently think so. More than 200 scientists have signed a letter addressed to the United States Congress opposing efforts to weaken the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act, the 1976 law that governs management of U.S. fisheries and is credited with preventing the collapse of fish stocks. Conservation group Oceana released the letter on Monday, October 23, the day before a Senate subcommittee holds a hearing on the Act.  click here to read the story 10:05

Reauthorization of the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act: Fisheries Science – U.S. Sen. Dan Sullivan (R-Alaska), chairman of the Subcommittee on Oceans, Atmosphere, Fisheries, and Coast Guard, will convene the hearing titled “Reauthorization of the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act: Fisheries Science,” at 2:30 p.m. on Tuesday, October 24, 2017. The hearing is the fourth of the series and will focus on the state of our nation’s fisheries and the science that supports sustainable management. click here for details 

Opposition To Proposed Offshore Natural Gas Project 28 miles off the north Jersey coast.

Senator Jennifer Beck opposes the project Liberty Natural Gas wants to build to import liquefied natural gas. “This facility holds no value for New Jersey. We don’t benefit by its construction, and it poses serious detriment to our waterways and to our beachfronts.” This facility is right next to shipping lanes. It’s in areas of important fisheries. Read the rest here 22:23

Pews Peter Baker, once again, pushes his agenda – No Refuge For Fish? Stressed Species Need Safe Habitat

Overfishing and warming waters are combining to create a potent one-two punch that threatens significant harm to New England’s already beleaguered fish and fishermen. Fortunately, there is one thing we can do to cushion both blows: protect ocean habitat — the places where fish spawn, grow, and find shelter and food. Read more here! 14:00

Fishermen claim marine plan could destroy their industry in Scotland – Blueprint for future of seas prompts clash

A new national marine plan for Scotland has come under fierce attack from fishermen who claim it could destroy the sea fishing industry. Blueprint for future of seas prompts clash of opinions between fishing groups, academic expert and environmental campaigners Exclusive by Rob Edwards. Read more@heraldscotland.com  06:54