Tag Archives: Environmental Defense Fund

Remember this guy? “Gloucester, New Bedford Mayors foolishly endorsing crazies in New England” a few fisheries malcontents??

SEAFOOD.COM NEWS by John Sackton (Editorial Comment) – June 15, 2011 A

Here is our editorial today, and a video.

Gloucester, New Bedford Mayors foolishly endorsing crazies in New England while the industry thrives, sickness has descended on the political class in New England that has  so tied themselves to a few fisheries malcontents that they have lost  sight of how they might really support their industry. Read and watch the video

Jane Lubchenco to leave NOAA in Feburary – Jellyfish Jane’s Heady Top Twenty List (to be discected)

We’ve ta10172769-largeckled some big challenges together. Through an emphasis on transparency,
integrity, innovation, team work and communication, we have made significant
progress on multiple fronts. As you know, NOAA’s breadth is one of our greatest
challenges, but it’s also our great strength. Both are in evidence below. Our
notable progress includes (in no particular order!):


Editorial: IG’s NOAA report puts onus on the White House

Let’s face it, NOAA chief administrator Jane Lubchenco has shown nothing but contempt for Congress and for America’s fishermen since President Obama plopped her into the top NOAA seat in 2009 to do the bidding of the Environmental Defense Fund and other nonprofit giants. http://www.gloucestertimes.com/opinion/x2120614248/Editorial-IGs-NOAA-report-puts-onus-on-the-White-House

Federal help for fisheries may stall until 2013 – Johanna Thomas, the Environmental Defense Fund say’s “It is complicated,,,,,,” heh!

Stalled by Congress’ focus on the contentious “fiscal cliff”,,,,dimmed for New England fisheries getting,,,,victims of Hurricane Sandy,,,,Midwestern farms,,,,Sen. John Kerry,,,,Rep. Stephen Lynch,,,, “lame duck”,,,,U.S. Commerce Department,,,, disaster,,,,NOAA,,,fish populations,,,$100 million,,, Susan,. Kelly, Jeanne, Frank, Chellie,  Harry,,,,Democratic-controlled-Republican-controlled,,,, Deval Patrick has pushed for the fishery aid since 2010?? More money needs to go into better science and better monitoring! Who’s gonna get this dough? It won’t be fishermen that were dienfranchised by EDFs Catch Share scam. http://www.seacoastonline.com/articles/20121202-NEWS-212020342

The EDF Fish Tale of Bubba and Miguel

An article written by some former  WWF stooge that never caught a fish for a living about a guy named Bubba that didn’t like being a fisherman. http://newswatch.nationalgeographic.com/2012/11/20/catch-shares-save-fishermen-and-fish/


Fish council eyes limits on catch shares- Amendment 18 — the ‘“fleet diversity and accumulation caps” action, Really??

Until the decision at the council last Thursday, the New England Regional Fishery Management Council had kept hands off  the commodity trading system; in November 2011, it decided it had better things and bigger problems to deal with than attempting to write limits or rules for what amounts to a free market pseudo Limited Access Participation Program — or LAPP. http://www.gloucestertimes.com/topstories/x2120604497/Fish-council-eyes-limits-on-catch-shares

The Noise of EDF – What Has Been Known to Fishermen and Must Become Reality. or. Putting Lipstick on the EDF Pig?

November 8, 2012 — EDF supports greater involvement of fishermen in the stock assessment process. … Taking steps to engage non-government scientists in the stock assessment process for the New England region would pay significant dividends. Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) supports greater involvement of fishermen in the stock assessment process and encourages fishermen to work with scientists to ensure that their knowledge and experience add to our understanding of these valuable resources. EDF has developed recommendations aimed at producing the most dependable stock assessments possible. The accumulated knowledge of the fishing industry can contribute to improved stock assessments, and greater industry participation can increase confidence in fishery science. http://blogs.edf.org/edfish/2012/11/08/edf-supports-industry-participation-in-science/

Rec boats oppose opening closed fishing areas – GDT

Recreational fishermen and the Pew Environment Group have weighed in against a potential decision to allow commercial boats to harvest from two fishing areas that have long been closed to commercial operations………Pew Environment Group’s opinion aligns with a number of non-government organizations including Conservation Law Foundation, the Nature Conservancy and Earthjustice, but not all of them. But the Environmental Defense Fund has given a conditional endorsement of the policy of opening closed areas where fishing had been barred to impede mortality……..Tower and a number of other recreational captains argued that the reopening of the mortality closures within the larger confines of the three major closed areas in the Northwest Atlantic would benefit big boats but provide little or no help to the day boats………..Pew Environment Group’s Peter Baker made much the same point in an email. He attributed the movement to the trawlers or draggers because “it seems to be the draggers from Associated Fisheries of Maine and their sometime allies at the Northeast Seafood Coalition that have argued most strenuously to open closed areas to fishing.” Read more.


Facing restrictions, fishermen welcome possible disaster aid

Another EDF puff piece from the boring broadsheet! A lot of BS in this one.

South Shore fishermen welcome the prospect of aid from September’s federal disaster declaration, but they remain critical of fishery management practices. Unprecedented competition from large boats over the last year has hurt the mostly smaller boats that populate harbors in Marshfield, Plymouth, and Scituate, they said. The disaster declaration allows, but does not require, Congress to appropriate money. Affected states are asking for $100 million, but the funding is not guaranteed.http://bostonglobe.com/metro/regionals/south/2012/10/17/south-shore-fishermen-welcome-possible-disaster-aid-seek-long-term-solutions/DVHh7P6BvUG4Nhdnb7PPiO/story.html

Letter: Trip limits would make fisheries worse Captain PAUL COHAN F.V. Sasquatch, Gloucester

To the editor: Wasn’t one of the big selling points for catch shares — or as I call it, catch scams —  the elimination of trip limits and their inherent discards?

So now NOAA and the enviros are talking about re-instating “inshore” trip limits to solve a problem of their own making,

when they can’t even differentiate between George’s Bank cod and Gulf of Maine cod when it comes down to where they were landed or caught.

This represents a giant step backwards. It is the worst of both worlds. and once again the smaller day boats will pay the bill.


NOAA regional chief, EDF back catch quota caps


Once again, the cart before the horse.

This should have been addressed before amendment 16 was rammed through. The EDF goal of Herr Lubchenco.

Yes, consolidation was occuring pre a-16, but then it really was free market driven consolidation.

Of course, the NSC syndicate likes it the way it is now, and why would’t they?

As far as “crossing the border” skirting the referendum vote, that has already taken place, the reason for the lawsuit.

For the syndicate to be concerned, is like Walmart saying they care about their employees, and they are looking out for their best interests! Why the parallel?

There are a whole bunch of fishermen not represented by the syndicate, that work within the syndicate. Crewmen that rely on the owners to do the right thing for them, as they share the expenses in the free enterprise lay/share arraingement of compensation, along with the owners. Crewmen now pay for leased quota with no representation, along with the regular expenses. They have become poorer and marginalized.

Only now is there a half assed effort to understand the system of compensation through a “socio economic survey” that should have been considered pre a-16.

I’m sure Johanna Thompson is a nice lady, but to read about EDFs concerns about fishermen? I find them amusing, and diingenuous following the history of EDFs actions, and knowing they recieve multi millions year in, year out from the Walton Foundation to privatize the resource.

Funny thing about the “socio” survey. All the current data collected already includes people like Johanna, regulators, and “stakeholders”  involved in fishery issues.

Everyone except the fishermen!


How the world’s oceans could be running out of fish – BBC

Global fish stocks are exploited or depleted to such an extent that without urgent measures we may be the last generation to catch food from the oceans.  It has been some time since most humans lived as hunter-gatherers – with one important exception. Fish are the last wild animal that we hunt in large numbers. And yet, we may be the last generation to do so. http://www.bbc.com/future/story/20120920-are-we-running-out-of-fish/1

Three of these articles this week! The catch share whores are working overtime!

Long-closed fishing areas may be reopened

PLYMOUTH — New England fishery managers have agreed to consider allowing fishermen back into areas that have been closed to them for decades. Such a move would give fishermen more access to healthy fish stocks and boost their businesses next year, when they face cuts in their catch so severe that it threatens the industry. The unanimous vote Thursday at a meeting of the New England Fishery Management Council came amid concerns about the environmental effects of reopening the three closed areas, located in the Gulf of Maine and Georges Bank. The year-round closures are intended to protect species of bottom-dwelling groundfish, such as cod, haddock and flounder. Some environmental groups vowed to vigorously oppose any re-openings. The council will consider giving final approval to measures to reopen the closed areas during its November meeting.


The environ kooks are pissed! Peter Shelly threatened a lawsuit! The rest of them chimed right in! National Standard 8, fellas.

EDF actually approves! Is this the beginning of an eco nut civil war? Getting my can of combustible fuel and bellows ready!

Deep sea of distrust – Catch-share controversy, and an uncertain future

Editor’s note: This is part one of a two-part look at the tensions between local fishermen and regulators, and the beginning of a series on the fishing industry in general. Part 2 in next weekend’s Seacoast Sunday will feature the input of a NOAA scientist, new regional administrator John Bullard and David Goethel, a Hampton fisherman and member of the New England Fishery Management Council.

PORTSMOUTH — The new regional administrator for the National Marine Fisheries Service says his goal is to rebuild trust with fishermen, but fishermen are able to rattle off a litany of complaints against the federal agency and its scientists that indicate the relationship may be beyond repair.


Pulling one out the archives for Stephen Taufen. “Ted Steven’s may be dead, but his virus is affecting every American!”

Mon Nov 1, 2010 1:19 PM EDT By bore-head007

“Hesitating in the face of evil is equivalent to siding with the enemy” – Marion Pritchard

Senator Ted Stevens. THE Stevens in Magnuson Stevens Act. The much revered Senator from Alaska. The Icon to every quota holding participant in Alaska, and now New England, soon in California. The hero of Catch Shares. Consolidation.

About Stephen Taufen A public watchdog and advocate for fishermen and their coastal communities. Taufen is an “insider” who blew the whistle on the international profit laundering between global affiliates of North Pacific seafood companies, who use illicit accounting to deny the USA the proper taxes on seafood trade. The same practices are used to lower ex-vessel prices to the fleets, and to bleed monies from our regional economy. Worked 20 years in the Alaska seafood industry for processors in cost accounting, fleet management, operations.

Groundswell Fisheries Movement

Welcome to Groundswell’s Public Advocacy website for Alaskan Fisheries


Letter: Fishery ‘disaster’ rooted in basic greed Gloucester Daily Times

To the editor:   All that’s happening in the world of fisheries politics can be traced back to one thing: the epic failure on the part of managers and fishery leaders. This is not a resource disaster. This mess was created by fishery management gone awry — brought on by greed-driven Eco frauds and their strictly for-profit attorneys. None of this would have developed without the cash handouts to a handful of questionable fishermen down on Cape Cod. Then, after that first resource grab was seen to be successful, the dollars signs glazed over other greed-driven industry participants.

The whole failure of the cash share scheme was total disregard for the resource. It’s hard to believe that groups like the Environmental Defense Fund, in its blind quest for corporate donor cash and control of the ocean, gave barely more than lip service for the fish, and nothing at all for the families that fish. And the industry thugs who supported catch shares had nothing to say about the in restricted access that catch shares allow.

Look at all the lead players who championed this catch-share scam — so many having taken the money and run, knowing full well how fast this house of cards would collapse, and that’s especially the big names from the Cape. Former Council head and Cape Cod hookers’ CEO Papalardo and others all grabbe the money under the pretense of being fishermen, but did little or no fishing then — and do practically none at all now. They’re just rolling in the green leasing quota created by the latest green scam known as cash shares. What a joke!

So now the guys who took the money got exactly what they asked for — and not opposing cash shares is a coward’s way of silently supporting them. One can only wonder how much cash it will take to satisfy the need for greed from the so-called fishery “leaders,” throwing their fellow fishermen under the bus. Now, they’re part of a commercial with Scott Brown asking for more because of the faure of a plan that they embraced.

The solution is simple: Go back to days at sea . Eliminate the agency and the management process that brought use here.

That will save millions of dollars, millions of fish — and countless working families who can no longer depend on work simply because they are prohibited by federal regulations from supporting their families the way they know best.



EDF and Catch Shares

Sometimes you can’t help but laugh out loud while doing research. I recently had one of those experiences.

Check out the About.com Guide for “The Environmental Defense Fund and Catch Shares”

EDF influence has rewritten the government’s policies on fisheries management.

The EDF is a strong proponent of catch shares. The large and influential organization is one of the main reasons NOAA has adopted catch shares as its new fisheries management mechanism.

The following passage had me laughing so hard, I almost cried.

In 2009, former EDF Vice-Chairwoman Dr. Jane Lubchenco was named the Under Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere and NOAA Administrator by President Barack Obama. She is the head of NOAA. Curiously, her tenure at EDF is omitted from her extensive resume in her 500 word biographical information on her NOAA Web page.

Gee, I wonder why that’s been omitted? ;)

Editorial: Letter backing ‘aid’ plan misleads fishermen, taxpayers GDT

But our independent fishermen do not need — and, for the most part, do not want — bailouts, buyouts and more unsubstantiated rhetoric about declining stocks.



Fishing aid letter ignores catch share impact

A draft letter to congressional leaders from the office of Sen. John Kerry, circulating within the New England delegation in connection with a proposed and controversial fisheries aid package, blames the decline of the groundfishery on weakened fish stocks — and nothing else.



Fisherynation Editorial – Jane (eliminator) Lubchenco’s Consolidation Porn Production. Paid for with your fish.

So. I’m sittin’ here rackin’ my brain, just wondering, what beauracratic, moronic, opportunist would commission a group of dream team bean counters, with some financial hocus pocus wizards to invent a $180 million dollar loan package (that’s what it is) for a desperate, beleaguered, broken industry, and wondering what collateral is being used to support this Jane  (eliminator) Lubchenco, consolidation porn production?!!

My fish. Your fish. Our fish.

I mean, man. You know none of the politicians would come up with an idea like that?!

They BURN money. They don’t expect it to provide a return. They shovel it to get rid of problems. Shut people up. Closure.

Then they do it again for the next big thing!

But this. THIS is REALLY something!

A $180 Million dollar loan to buy up the rest of the guys that our politicians say they care about, the little guys, freeing up all kinds of fish to finance the thing.

$15 Million for at sea monitors that NOAA was looking at from their budget because it was a small boat breaker.

Paid for with our fish.

Slick little fix for Andy and his gig from Team Dismantle.
Good score, Drew!! aunty got yer back!

Paid for with our now more expensive fish.

$30 MILLION so the big boys can have more fish, plus $5 million for sector management that should after two years should be self sufficient by now, and will be seeing an exodus of the disenfranchised.

And a paltry $7.5 MILLION for collaborative and “traditional” research?

From what I’ve seen of “traditional” lately from Team Eliminator, “traditional” should continue to be funded from “traditional” sources. Like the NOAA budget, while this industry aligned with schools like SMAST and VIMS get us what we need. Real results, not that eco system crap Rusty does.

That “traditional” has been continuous trade offs, as was revealed at the yellow tail working group meeting. Enough trade offs.

I say $7.5 Million for collaborative research should come from the NOAA budget. Its time the people’s money was used properly.

This thing has a familiar odor.