Tag Archives: F/V Emma Claire

Suffolk teenager chooses career as a fisherman to keep town’s proud tradition alive
A teenage fisherman is hoping to inspire other youngsters to follow in his footsteps after launching his own £300,000 vessel into the North Sea. Alex Wightman, 18, from Lowestoft in Suffolk still believes there is a future in fishing despite government figures showing a decline in registered fishing boats in the UK. His boat, the 10 metre-long Emma Claire, named after his mother, is thought to be the first new vessel in the town’s inshore fleet for nearly 20 years. “Anybody my age, especially coming in to the fishing industry, would absolutely die to have a boat like this.” Alex hails from a fishing family, with his brother Max, 23, and dad Steve also fishing off the east coast. Video, photos, more, >>click to read<< 06:47

Lowestoft fisherman, 18, hopes to attract youngsters to industry
Alex Wightman said he believed there was still a future in fishing, despite government figures showing a decline in registered vessels. His family, from Lowestoft in Suffolk, have spent almost £300,000 on Alex’s boat; the Emma Claire. Father Steve Wightman said he also hoped more young people would get involved. Alex said: “We’re a dying breed but there’s still a future in it if you’re willing to work hard.” At nearly 10m (32.8 ft), the Emma Claire is thought to be the first new fishing boat in Lowestoft’s in-shore fleet for 20 years. photos, more, >>click to read<< 09:10