Tag Archives: Fishermen’s Northeast Groundfish Science Forum:

AUDIO: Highlights of NOAA’s Fishermen’s Northeast Groundfish Science Forum: Afternoon Session from November 13, 2012

 Dr. Bill Karp introduced the panel on assessment methods, models & results. Paul Rago of the Population Dynamics Branch of the Northeast Fisheries Science Center, Mark Gibson, the Rhode Island DF&G Deputy Chief, David Goethel, of the NEFMC and the owner-operator of Ellen Diane

Q and A Session,  from Jim Kendall, a New Bedford seafood consultant, Vito Giacaloneof the Northeast Seafood Coalition started a discussion, http://campaign.r20.constantcontact.com/render?llr=b5nrgsdab&v=001EgdY2fhRL-UZR2rTN99M-tGCPlcYX_1VdG9PVcFc7jxyb-XXUIk30Yafh2WYCQcD0NvJrvSJfbYSkQXqEjj83rkKUlhos3xXJck-YQG8hZyQM9qTea2YQw%3D%3D