Tag Archives: F/V Peruga

Michael Orr and Justin Barisich are organizing this fundraiser to Help Raise the F/V Peruga
The two worst dangers facing a commercial fisherman is sinking and fire. Tuesday January 7 George Barisich and Robert Campo Jr. were shrimping on the F/V Peruga in Lake Borgne. By the grace of God, some level headed actions and a rescue from the coast guard both men escaped unharmed.,, Please consider donating whatever you can to help with the cost of salvaging and removing the wreckage and some seed money to get another boat. It would truly be a defeat if George is not back on these waters doing what he does best, catching seafood. >click to read< , and please donate if you can. La. commercial fishing leader’s boat burns, sinks before he goes to DC to advocate for fishermen – >click to read< 15:36
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La. commercial fishing leader’s boat burns, sinks before he goes to DC to advocate for fishermen
Sinking or catching fire are the two of the worst dangers for commercial fishermen and their vessels. Both happened to George Barisich two weeks ago when his beloved fishing vessel Peruga sank in Lake Borgne. I had to run out the door. No wallet, no glasses, no phone. That’s how quick it was.” Barisich said he and his deckhand Robert Campo, Jr., came close to jumping in the cold water. Tuesday he was expected to fly to Washington D.C., to seek disaster relief money for fishermen hurt by last year’s Bonnet Carre Spillway openings. >click to read<. >click for GoFundMe page< 21:02
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Fisherman raps Coast Guard in Gulf sinking incident
Coast Guard officials say they operated within their proper protocols during their response to a sinking shrimp boat whose captain was aided by another mariner earlier this month. But the stricken vessel’s captain and other fishermen question that assertion, and say the episode has eroded their confidence in the agency’s rescue capabilities. No injuries were reported in connection with the sinking of the fishing vessel Peruga, a 60-foot Louisiana shrimp boat that calls St. Bernard Parish home, but travels through Terrebonne and Lafourche waters, as well as those further east into Mississippi. Well-known to local fishermen, the Peruga’s captain is George Barisich, president of the United Commercial Fishermen’s Association, who has for decades advocated on behalf of fishermen.“It was my belief before the incident that we had to fend for ourselves 99 percent of the time,” Barisich said. “Now it is my knowledge that you’ve got to take care of yourself, that fishermen have to fend for themselves and don’t count on the Coast Guard. Even though we help them all the time and they count on us, don’t count on them.” Read the story here 10:49