Tag Archives: Heather McCarty
A Fundraiser: Memorial Expenses for Sig and Helen Decker
On July 28, Julie and Gig Decker learned that they lost both their children, Helen and Sig Decker in a car accident in Petersburg, Alaska. Helen was 19 and Sig was 21. Although both were born and raised in Wrangell, Helen and Sig were in Petersburg fishing side-by-side for the summer to help pay for college. This unimaginable loss comes during an already challenging time. The initial $10,000 in funds raised will go towards funeral costs and related expenses. We are looking to raise $50,000 to fund the rest of the brand new Wrangell Mariner’s Memorial where Helen and Sig will be the first names on the wall. Additional funds raised after that will be used to start a Memorial Scholarship Fund,,, >click to read, and, please donate if you can<21:17
Kodiak Hiring choice questioned – From King Crab Capital to Hard on Bottom Trawl Capital of the World.
The city of Kodiak and the borough just approved the ultimate insider – one who has long represented such huge trawl interests as the at-sea factory trawlers, who do nothing for our local economy – to be the new fisheries adviser. One wonders why Heather McCarty would even take a mere $30,000 position in a community far from where she lives. Further, how can the wife of a major federal fishery council voting member — Dr. James Balsiger, Alaska regional administrator of the National Marine Fisheries Service — not be compromised while aboard at Kodiak? Read more here from Lu Dochtermann, F/V North Point08:15