Tag Archives: Industrial Wind Turbines

Toxic Blade Time Bomb

We have documented the threats of industrial wind turbines to both soil and water in their pre and post-construction phases, not to mention birds, bats, insects, and humans. But not enough has been said about the serious environmental threat of “blade shedding.” This is erosion that occurs primarily on the edge of turbine blades as they are exposed to the elements. And it is far from benign: “Microplastic shedding from turbine blades, known as Leading Edge Erosion, is a great concern to manufacturers who are forced to repair the damage that occurs after only a couple of years. The particles eroded from blades include epoxy which is 40% Bisphenol-A (BPA), a frequently banned endocrine disruptor and neurotoxin. Academic research has shown the potential for 137 pounds of epoxy microparticles to be shed per turbine per year.” Mark Twichell, Citizens Against Wind Turbines in Lake Erie, October 29, 2022, The Buffalo News more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 08:32

Life with Industrial Wind Turbines in Wisconsin: Part 9, “then what will it do to fish?”

Scott Srnka speaking about stray voltage trouble on his farm: [Video image: an ohm reader with flickering numbers] This is a five hundred ohms resistor here, this wire is hooked to my stall, this white wire is a remote ground rod way across way, way away from the buildings. So I can go shut the power off across the road and this will still read the same. So it’s coming out of the earth. And I’m four wired. When I shut my power off all four wires are disconnected. So my ground and neutral don’t even come to the farm either. This is coming out of the earth getting on my stalls, and this is where the cows are living. Q: What kind of impacts are you having? Low milk production, health issues, reproduction problems, cows dying of cancer and stuff like that. Video>click to read<22:15