Tag Archives: lawsuit

Red snapper fishing ‘haves’ are suing the ‘have-nots’

Several highline commercial red snapper IFQ fishermen (they own maximum shares) filed suit against the National Marine Fisheries Service on June 28. Many of these commercial fishermen either are now or have been in the past working for and been sponsored by the Environmental Defense Fund. Indeed, the plaintiffs’ attorneys have connections to EDF. continued@thenewsherald

Gulf of Mexico Reef Fish Shareholders’ Alliance filed lawsuit Tuesday in U.S. District Court in Washington, D.C

The claim, National Marine Fisheries Service didn’t have strong enough measures in place to prevent the recreational fishing sector from far exceeding the amount of red snapper allowed by law. More as we find it.

Editorial: Attorney General’s suit captures root of NOAA wrongdoing

gdt iconThat’s the blatant disregard NOAA’s leadership has consistently shown for the Magnuson-Stevens Act, the law that governs all of America’s fisheries and lays out a suite of rules and guidelines that NOAA is charged with enforcing. Instead, the agency has been running roughshod over it and ignoring provisions that leaders like former administrator Jane Lubchenco and now general counsel Lois Schiffer simply don’t seem to like. continued

Environmental group Oceana Inc. sues’ National Marine Fisheries Service for inadequate monitor coverage

Gib Brogan, Oceana’s representative in Boston, said fishermen fish differently when monitors are on board, yet only 22 percent of boats in the groundfish fleet have them.  “Under sector management and catch shares, very high levels ofsct logo observers are generally necessary,” Brogan said.  It accuses NOAA of changing the rules at mid-game, describing new guidelines that are different from the ones in Magnuson and in a previous settlement with Oceana. continued

Florida becomes 4th state to sue BP over 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill

untitledbp deathTALLAHASSEE, Fla. — The state of Florida filed a lawsuit Saturday against oil company BP and cement contractor Halliburton over the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, becoming the fourth state to seek damages for the 2010 disaster. continued

Drakes Bay Oyster Co. sues U.S. Interior Secretary Ken Salazar, claiming he violated federal environmental law

The owner of the Drakes Bay Oyster Company, Kevin Lunny at his oyster farm in  Point Reyes, Calif.  on Thursday Nov. 29, 2012.  U.S. Interior Secretary Ken  Salazar rejected a proposal to extend the lease of the popular Drakes Bay Oyster  Farm at Point Reyes National Seashore Thursday, effectively ending more than a  century of shellfish production on the 1,100 acres in Drakes Bay. The lawsuit accuses Salazar and Jonathan Jarvis, the director of the National  Park Service, the director of the National  Park Service, of revoking the property rights of the Drakes  Bay Oyster Co. without due process provided by the National Environmental  Policy Act. The suit also claims the federal leaders based their decision on  false, biased and misrepresented science. Read More

Photo: Michael Macor, The Chronicle / SF

Sometimes all it takes is a comment to remind me of why I started doing this. Activism.

An article in the Washinton Examiner was posted. “A fisherman sues the feds for acting like crooks” August 16, 2012 by Ron Arnold. From the article: As raw December 1998 swept over the Atlantic off New Bedford, Mass., scallop fisherman Larry Yacubian brought around his boat, Independence, hailed by the Coast Guard. The officers who boarded his fishing vessel didn’t tell Yacubian it was a setup to coerce out of him a ruinous fine and to destroy his life so thoroughly he could never get it back…… Two weeks ago, Captain Yacubian filed the lawsuit that may well restore his money and his life after nearly 15 years of gut-wrenching bludgeoning by the NOAA.

I was going through my emails and saw this [email protected] , Kligo, First: How is the government responsible for a case 15 years ago. Second: Do you think once a government changes that everybody is fired and every position refilled with “conforming” ones? Third: Illegal presidency?

I did respond and linked some articles that he needed to read.




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