Tag Archives: manatee

Coast Guard Sector St. Petersburg sets port condition Whiskey for Port of Tampa for Hurricane Elsa
Effective 12 p.m. Friday, the Coast Guard Captain of the Port set port condition Whiskey for the ports of Tampa, St. Petersburg, Manatee, and Ft. Myers due to the expectation of sustained gale force winds of 25 mph and gusts up to 40 mph generated from Hurricane Elsa that may arrive within 72 hours. These ports and facilities are currently open to all commercial traffic and all transfer operations may continue while Whiskey remains in effect. Sustained winds between 39 and 73 mph are possible within 72 hours. For information on Hurricane Elsa progress and hurricane preparedness, please >click to read< 12:55
Is there really a Manatee swimming around Cape Cod??
The International Fund for Animal Welfare says there have been several sightings of a manatee around Cape Cod. The manatee has reportedly been spotted off Nantucket, at Dowses Beach in Osterville and Oyster Pond in Chatham. “Here on the Cape it’s not very common,” IFAW research member Misty Niemeyer tells The Cape Cod Times. “We aren’t really quite sure what they are doing.” Anyone who spots the manatee should stay away and call the IFAW at 508-743-9548. Link 16:03