Tag Archives: Mark Vecchione Rock Harbor Fishing Trip
Cape Cod Cares for the Troops – More captains are still needed for the Mark Vecchione Rock Harbor Fishing Trip
More captains are still needed for the Mark Vecchione Rock Harbor Fishing Trip, sponsored by Cape Cod Cares for the Troops. The event honors Army Sgt. Mark Vecchione, of Eastham, who was killed in action in 2006 in Iraq at the age of 25. The charter trip has grown in popularity each year. This year, the third time it is being held, the waiting list has about doubled. Around 46 veterans and family members are on a waiting list, said Michelle DeSilva, who co-founded Cape Cod Cares for the Troops in 2005 with her son, Dylan, who was then only 12 years old. more@capecodtimes