Marty Stillufsen – Who is to blame? and what to do with the money!

Hello Mr. Bullard,  Congratulations on your retirement. You have the proud title of being the only respondent to any of my e-mails that I have sent since 2012 (lobster leased territory management suggestion). Thank you! I recently responded to a media article on the Raphael case. I hope that it made it to your desk.  “Raphael apparently has a long history of fisheries and IRS violations that has been going on for quite some time. It’s a mystery to me how the National Marine Fisheries Service avoided monitoring this individual sooner; considering the disproportionate quantity of permits he held. click here to read the letter 13:14

Hello Ms. Schiffer, Chief Counsel, NMFS – About that Document Shredding

g12200000000000000059821060cb1e7b3b33b412df8d2f2e39f9f731ddOnce again, I find it difficult to understand, as indicated by the attached article, how a poor working stiff fisherman is hauled all the way to the Supreme Court for discarding two fish. As I am sure you will recall, your Mr. Dale Jones (at the time, head of enforcement) admitted to Congress, on camera, that he routinely shredded documents, including those under scrutiny,  and he appeared to be smiling when he admitted it. Mr. Jones apparently was confident that  he was in safe hands. A short time later he was given a cushy reassignment and a raise. Crime pays when you work for the government! Read the rest here 15:56

Letter: Lingering questions over NOAA’s perpetrators – Marty Stillufsen , Point Pleasant Beach, N.J.

gdt iconI was on a first name basis with the late Times staff writer Richard Gaines, and I am writing to see if there are any answers to lingering questions surrounding issues he had covered within the fishing industry. Have Chuck Juliand (Northeast region attorney) and Dale Jones (head of NOAA’s Office of Law Enforcement) been promoted, given any new raises, reassigned — or fired? Furthermore, was special investigative master Judge Swartwood paid with Asset Forfeiture Funds or the operating budget of the National Marine Fisheries Service? more@GDT 04:08