Tag Archives: MLPA Initiative

Dan Bacher: 2010 article warned: MLPA Initiative will do nothing to stop a big oil spill

 I wrote the following article in 2010 warning of the consequences of not protecting the ocean from oil spills, oil drilling, pollution and all human impacts other than fishing and gathering in the “marine protected areas” created under the. This article warned of the consequences of allowing a Big Oil lobbyist and other corporate operatives to oversee “marine protection” in California. Read the rest here  19:59 (photo)

Secretary of Defense/former CIA Director backed MLPA Initiative-Leon Panetta: from marine ‘protector’ to whale killer-Dan Bacher

Leon Panetta: from marine ‘protector’ to whale killer

California’s privately-funded Marine Life Protection Act (MLPA) Initiative, a process criticized by fishermen, grassroots conservationists, environmental justice advocates and supporters of democracy and transparency in government, has “friends in high places.” http://www.dailykos.com/story/2012/11/18/1162930/-Secretary-of-Defense-former-CIA-Director-backed-MLPA-Initiative