Tag Archives: monitor coverage

Mass Delegation pressures NOAA over Lobster Boat Observer coverage

According to NOAA’s figures, Massachusetts-based lobsterDM0811_468x521 are scheduled for 266 sea days of monitor coverage in the 2015 fishing season, compared to only 218 in Maine where there are significantly more lobstermen fishing. Together, Massachusetts and Maine will account for 78 percent (484 of 619) of all sea days of coverage scheduled in 2015 for lobster boats fishing from Maryland to Maine. “While NOAA has indicated that lobstermen will not be financially responsible for observer coverage during the 2015 season, the agency has not indicated if this will be the case in subsequent years,” the letter said. Read the rest here 09:01

Environmental group Oceana Inc. sues’ National Marine Fisheries Service for inadequate monitor coverage

Gib Brogan, Oceana’s representative in Boston, said fishermen fish differently when monitors are on board, yet only 22 percent of boats in the groundfish fleet have them.  “Under sector management and catch shares, very high levels ofsct logo observers are generally necessary,” Brogan said.  It accuses NOAA of changing the rules at mid-game, describing new guidelines that are different from the ones in Magnuson and in a previous settlement with Oceana. continued