Tag Archives: Pilot/businessman Jordan Seidhom

Where is the Federal Government? Couple reunited after volunteer rescue pilot threatened with arrest in North Carolina

“I don’t think we ever ran out of hope. We had each other, and that was the main thing,” Mike Coffey said when asked if they started to believe help wouldn’t come by the third day after multiple helicopters had flown over without stopping. Not long after the sun rose Sunday morning, they heard the sweet sound of chopper blades ripping through the air. But it wasn’t a government worker coming to their aid, it was Jordan Seidhom, the owner of a scrap steel recycling business in Pageland, South Carolina. He’s also a pilot, former head of the Chesterfield County drug unit, reserve law enforcement officer, and volunteer firefighter — among other jobs. He decided the day after the storm to use his own helicopter on his own dime to answer the cries for help he read on social media within hours of the storm passing. Then on Sunday, the Seidhoms spotted Susan Coffey frantically waving for help. Photos, more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 07:14