Tag Archives: Quirpon

Wayne Bartlett, responsible for one of the defining songs of the cod collapse, dead at 67

Bartlett died Friday, just two days after turning 67, and more than two years into a battle with cancer. “He wanted to keep traditions alive. He wanted the old ways to be remembered and that was his driving force,” Andy Bartlett, Wayne’s son, said Monday. Wayne Bartlett was born and raised in Quirpon, a remote community at the tip of the Northern Peninsula with a history in the fishery that dates back more than five centuries. But it was the closure of the Newfoundland and Labrador cod fishery three decades ago, displacing 30,000 harvesters and fish plant workers, and ending a way of life that had existed for decades, that inspired Bartlett’s best-known song. She’s Gone, Boys, She’s Gone (click) was the title track on a collection of songs released in 1992, and its haunting lyrics and tone helped make Bartlett a household name well beyond Quirpon. >click to read< 16:55