Tag Archives: Renewable Energy Fetishism.

Environmentalism is Dead?

I would look at this as pure (better make that IMPURE!) rabble-rousing alarmism except for one thing. Go to http://www.fishtruth.net, a website that I created and put up way back when. I told the same shameful story decades ago that Robert Bryce is telling today, only his stage is much larger than mine was. Could this all be coincidental? Not very likely. It’s mostly the same actors, the same plot, the same gullible public. The big differences are in the monies involved and the potential harm to a very large part of the national economy. Don’t take my word for it, or Robert Bryce’s. Go to the FishNetUSA site then go to Mr. Bryce’s article. Environmentalism is Dead. It has been replaced by Climatism, and Renewable Energy Fetishism. Spend a bit of time getting familiar with the information, then ask yourself “what are the odds.” And please remember that these aren’t picturesque, bucolic floating villages that the ENGOs and the wind industry are trying to shove down our supposedly energy-starved throats, but massive industrial constructions that are going to be putting the screws to the coastal and offshore waters that so many of us have been protecting for a big part of this last and this century. If you’re looking for Ferdinand the peace loving, flower munching bull, you’re not going to find him out there. Nils E. Stolpe
Fishnet USA (http://www.fishnet-usa.com) 11:10