Tag Archives: Sea surface temperatures

Global Ocean Cooling in September

We have seen lots of claims about the temperature records for 2016 and 2015 proving dangerous man made warming.  At least one senator stated that in a confirmation hearing.  Yet HadSST3 data for the last two years show how obvious is the ocean’s governing of global average temperatures. The best context for understanding these two years comes from the world’s sea surface temperatures (SST), for several reasons: click here to read the story 09:55

Study shows new signs of sea change By Richard Gaines Staff Writer Gloucester Daily Times

Sea surface temperatures along the Northeast Shelf Large Marine Ecosystem — the waters off the New England and Mid-Atlantic coasts — were the highest ever recorded during the first half of 2012,

the government reports.“A profound warming event occurred on the Northeast Shelf this spring, and this will have a profound impact throughout the ecosystem,” said Kevin Friedland, a scientist at NOAA’s Northeast Fisheries Science Center in Woods Hole. The average sea surface temperature in the region exceeded 51 degrees, surpassing the previous record for the time of year, from 1951. The average sea surface temperature for the time of year over the past three decades was more than three degrees lower than the high http://www.gloucestertimes.com/topstories/x1618663563/Study-shows-new-signs-of-sea-change