Tag Archives: squid

China’s fishing fleet hunts for new oceans to target, squid is becoming the new substitute

Seagulls wheel and cry around the Caleta Portales fishing pier in the Chilean port of Valparaiso while sea lions loiter in the waves. The fishermen hoist their boats out of the water, untangle a paltry catch from their nets and trudge off for a political strategy meeting in a dark room lit only by a PowerPoint presentation. Nearby, a line of white banners bear a defiant message in red block letters: “NO to industrial squid trawling!” ,,, Squid is taking the place of declining stocks. In Valparaiso, artisanal fishermen operating out of Caleta Portales rely on squid for about half of their income. And the carts now sell enchiladas stuffed with squid, which locals call loco de los pobres, or “poor man’s loco”. Even Corpesca, the nation’s largest fishing conglomerate, has moved into the game. Chilean fishermen were outraged in 2012 when the revised fisheries law gave Corpesca a permanent quota for 20 per cent of the squid catch. “Other species have collapsed so these ships and technology are being applied to squid,” Mr Fuentes says. “Squid is becoming a new option.” Read the article, click here 13:57

German company eyes wind farm project off Fire Island  

“The idea that you can just show up and stick a flag in the ocean floor and say it’s mine without regard to the fishing community it will displace is unconscionable and un-American,” said Bonnie Brady, executive director of the Long Island Commercial Fishing Association.A German renewable-energy company has submitted an unsolicited bid for more than 40,000 acres of water rights due south of Fire Island for the first phase of a wind-turbine array of up to 400 megawatts. Maps submitted with the project indicate it would place 30 to 50 turbines around 600 feet tall in an area that extends from Bayport to Moriches, starting around 12 miles from shore. The project would be east of another wind-energy area that was federally auctioned in December to Norway-based Statoil for $42 million. Both projects, which would require numerous state and federal permits, are in areas considered vital to fishing interests; the Statoil project is already the subject of a federal lawsuit seeking to block it and preserve squid, scallop and bottom-fishing grounds. Called the NY4 Excelsior Wind Park, the latest project is being proposed by PNE Wind, a German developer of onshore and offshore wind projects with a U.S. base in Chicago. (we are opposed) Read the story here 07:54

Squid boats dot Malibu coast – Roughly 40,157 tons of squid landed this season

Almost every night this winter, bright lights have appeared off the coast of Malibu. It’s an eerie sight on a foggy evening, suggesting something unearthly or supernatural, but the only thing these ghostly lights portend is the presence of Doryteuthis opalescens, the common market squid. It’s a good omen for California’s seafood industry. Market squid is one of California’s largest commercial fisheries, and tons of frozen California calamari are shipped all over the world each year. However, the species had almost entirely disappeared from Southern California waters last year. The absence of squid is being blamed on El Niño. California Department of Fish and Wildlife environmental scientist Laura Ryley studies squid. While concerns are being raised over the potential impact of prolonged ocean warming on the species, the return of more normal temperature conditions in the Pacific this winter appears to have signaled the return of the squid. Read the story here 09:22 

Global population’s of squid, octopuses and cuttlefish are booming

osqudThe world’s squid, octopuses and cuttlefish have been going through a massive, 60-year population boom, a new study has found. Published yesterday in Current Biology, the study shows a continued rise in population numbers of cephalopods since the 1950s. It also reveals the boom has happened in 35 species of cephalopods – covering six families – around the globe. Earlier research has found cephalopods, which are highly adaptable to changing environments, may be benefiting from a combination of climatic changes, including global temperature rises. University of Adelaide researcher Dr Zoe Doubleday led the study and found that despite anecdotal reports indicating a “boom and bust” cycle in cephalopod populations, since 1953 there had been a sustained increase. Link to the study here  11:51

Squid stocks in Korean waters depleted by Chinese overfishing – Video

It’s early morning at Jumunjin port in the eastern coastal city of Gangneung, and fishermen are busy transporting their catch to market. The commercial fishing season for squid opened a month ago, but the fishermen are far from happy. “At this time of year, we would normally catch between four to six thousand squid, but this year, we’ve only been catching between 6-hundred to 1-thousand.” Many fishermen are opting to keep their boats in the port as they know going out is not profitable anymore. Video, Read the rest here 16:34

Squid status quo? Fishermen discuss future of livelihood

Squid fisherman Steve Axelsson wants regulators to be proactive and make sure that too many fishermen running out of other species to catch don’t start targeting his livelihood. One concern is that a collapse of ground-fish stocks in New England could lead many to start using their inactive squid permits. David Wiscott, another Port of Cape May fisherman, took the opposite stance. While squid is a major target for Alexsson, Wiscott mostly catches scallops but at times will go after squid. “What about squid vessels that don’t do good and jump back into scallops? I think it’s very unfair and I’m against it,” said Wiscott. Read the rest here 15:48

Fascinating new squid behaviour in nature

The squid is one creature that really needs technology to observe its incredible moods of colour and rapid movement. This is now firmly in place with a video camera that can be parcelled with the animal as it travels. The point of research in the case of this jumbo flying squid is to learn how it behaves naturally. Read the rest here 07:25

“We fished squid this year where we never fished before,” Northern Cal fishermen catch abundant squid

 have reported an above-average squid harvest. “We just followed them up there,” said Neil Guglielmo, captain of a 70-foot fishing vessel based in Ventura County, just north of Los Angeles. “There was so much squid. “We fished squid this year where we never fished before,” Guglielmo said. Read the rest here 19:52

Squid Fishermen Find Massive Schools Near Santa Barbara Shores – Video

A parade of boats powering bright lights at night is showing up between Carpinteria and Santa Barbara, very close to shore. Squid fishermen who normally find their catch by the Channel Islands, Monterey, Gaviota or Malibu, have located a massive population, Read more here 06:50

Bruce Newbury: Why R.I. should be the Calamari State

Mark Gibson, deputy chief for Marine Fisheries with the Fish and Wildlife Division of the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management, stated that squid is the highest valued fishery in the state. Read more here 15:32

Squid season booming off Monterey Bay – video

MONTEREY, Calif. –  This year’s squid season kicked off two months ago and it looks like the healthiest squid are off the Central Coast. For the past few years, fishermen say they have had good years for squid fishing in California. But what’s unusual this year is the good quality squid population is right here off the Monterey Bay. Read more here 10:53

Final Rule Available for Amendment 14 to Squid, Mackerel, Butterfish Fishery Management Plan

nmfs_logoToday at the recommendation of the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council, NOAA Fisheries is approving a number of revisions to the Atlantic mackerel, squid, and butterfish fishery management plan to improve catch monitoring and reduce river herring and shad bycatch through Amendment 14.  Click here to read the final rule. 17:34

West Coast: Sardines vanish from coastal waters; squid and anchovy fill the void for fishermen

Larry Derr was as prepared as any longtime Southern California bait fisherman for the disappearance of the Pacific sardines he has pulled up by the ton since the 1980s. He can fish anchovies instead and, if those become scarce, there’s been a local surge in market squid to keep him in business. Read more@dailybreeze  18:20

NOAA Announces Partial Approval of Amendment 14 to the Atlantic Mackerel, Squid, and Butterfish Fishery Management Plan

nmfs_logoOn November 7, 2013, NOAA – National Marine Fisheries Service, on behalf of the Secretary of Commerce, partially approved Amendment 14 to the Atlantic Mackerel, Squid and Butterfish Fishery Management Plan. For the rundown, click here 21:24

California: Squid fishery a new model

Recently, the California Department of Fish and Wildlife closed the commercial fishery for market squid, Loligo (Doryteuthis) opalescens. Closure came a month earlier than the year before. This was the fourth straight year the squid fishery closed early. [email protected]  08:40

National Marine Fisheries Service: Revisions Proposed for Squid, Mackerel, Butterfish Fishery Management Plan

Today, at the recommendation of the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council, NOAA /NMFS is proposing a number of revisions to the Atlantic mackerel, squid, and butterfish fishery management plan to improve the catch monitoring and reduce river herring and shad bycatch through Amendment 14. read more  12:36

Squid bring black ink to Pillar Point Harbor

The local fishermen at Pillar Point Harbor know the ropes of netting crab and salmon, but the real cash crop these days might be squid. Rubbery, slippery squid is a low-price, high-yield sea catch that exploded in a frenzy in recent days, bringing in a fleet of fishermen from across the West Coast in a gold-rush craze for calamari. continued@halfmoonbay

Squid fishermen fight overblown – Mike Conroy, President, West Coast Fisheries Consultants.

Hearing claims of three squid brail (smaller boat) fishermen, one might think that the larger seine vessel squid fishermen are illegally catching all of the allowable quota. continued

Swordfish Find Squid Delicious; Suffer Consequences

science2.0 – From a certain perspective, it’s really weird that we manage fisheries in these discrete little units based on species. There are swordfish permits, swordfish boats, swordfish managers. There are squid permits, squid boats, squid managers. And so on. But species don’t exist in neat boxes. That’s the fundamental truth behind ecology. When you go out to catch one species, you’re bound to run across several other species as well, and even the most carefully designed fishing gear will occasionally catch something it wasn’t supposed to. continued

Dead squid whodunit verdict is death by natural causes – video

Hundreds of dead squid mysteriously turned up in Victoria’s Gorge Waterway this past week, but the gruesome sight may just be a sign that the ecosystem is healthy. continued

Abundance of Squid Leads to New Commercial Fishery in Maine – mpbn

The changing climate may be responsible for the emergence of a new commercial fishery in Maine. Earlier in the summer we heard a lot about the abundance of early-appearing soft-shelled lobster. Well, the warmer months also bought a lot of squid into Maine waters — much more than usual.http://www.mpbn.net/Home/tabid/36/ctl/ViewItem/mid/3478/ItemId/23770/Default.

Plea to New NOAA Regional Administrator: Save Us Some Cod

ELLSWORTH — When John Bullard came to Ellsworth last Thursday, he had had been the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Fisheries Service’s Northeast regional administrator for just three weeks and four days.http://fenceviewer.com/site/index.php?option=com_k2&view=item&id=76663:plea-to-new-noaa-regional-administrator-save-us-some-cod&Itemid=938