Tag Archives: thrusters from Danish Hundested Propeller

Scottish Fishermen 3 Major Preferences

Lunar Fishing, a Scottish fishing company operating in the North Sea and the Atlantic, relies on custom-built boats from Danish Karstensens Shipyard and CP-propulsion equipment, propellers, and thrusters from Danish Hundested Propeller for their fishing operations. The harsh weather conditions and challenging seas demand robust and high-quality equipment to ensure the safety and efficiency of their fishing vessels.  Lunar Fishing has four custom-built boats, with two of them equipped with CP Marine Gear, propellers, and thrusters from Hundested Propeller. According to fisherman Philip Stephen, the choice of equipment is essential due to the demanding conditions they face at sea. The vessels must withstand significant stress and tension, especially during adverse weather conditions. The fishermen need to have full confidence in their boats, and reliable equipment plays a crucial role in their operations. >click to read< 20:39