Tag Archives: Will kill UK fishing fleet

URGENT WARNING: If Labour give fish stocks to EU – UK fishing fleet will die

I don’t want to state the bleeding’ obvious, but Britain is an Island and our coastal communities have been fishing for millennia. Indeed, the sea and fishing is in our DNA. It was natural therefore, that of the causes front and centre of the Brexit campaign was fisheries. Leaving the Block, we and, more importantly, our fishing industry were told, would mean taking back our fishing stocks from the European Union. Today though, our fishermen have every right to feel disappointed and deceived, because, when we did leave the EU, we didn’t take our fishing stocks back or reinvigorate our fishing industry as had been promised. Instead, we agreed to EU boats being allowed to continue fishing our waters and, instead of reasserting our rights over our own waters, we agreed to a phased reduction in EU catches, until 2026. more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 12:09