Shortage of workers and housing causing perfect storm of problems at Makkovik fish plant

The operator of Makkovik’s fish plant says a shortage of workers, and a shortage of places for workers to live, has left the plant unable process crab as normal this season. Keith Watts, general manager of the Torngat Fish Producers Co-op, which operates plants in Makkovik and Nain, says operations in Nain went smoothly this season but work in Makkovik has been limited due to a lack of workers. Watts said the community has an aging workforce and the plant’s remote northern location limits the number of workers it’s able to attract. He’d like to be able to attract temporary foreign workers to work at the plant, he said, but he knows there would be nowhere for them to live. Barry Andersen, Makkovik’s AngajukKak, or mayor, said he knows housing is a real concern in the region, especially when it comes to rentals and other spaces available for booking, like hotels.  >click to read< 09:55

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