Commercial whelk fishery opens in eastern Cape Breton

On Tuesday, an event at Louisbourg Seafoods processing plant ushered in the first commercial whelk fishery in waters along the island’s eastern coast.  The Louisbourg, N.S., company began experimenting with the harvest of whelk more than a decade ago.  “We have a science team and they spend all their time looking at this, and basically developed a clear understanding of what the fishery was out there and how best to manage it,” said Allan MacLean, Louisbourg Seafoods’ senior operations manager. The whelk fishery off eastern Cape Breton, in an area known as the Northwest Atlantic Fisheries Organization Area 4Vs, was previously licensed only for exploratory harvesting to determine if stocks could sustain a commercially viable operation, Fisheries and Oceans Canada said Tuesday in a news release. more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 19:46

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