Bloated Bureaucracy Creating Conflict by Executive Order – NOP Riverhead “Listening Session”

baby fishermanNotice of the Riverhead listening sessions was sent to stakeholders by email and via a listserv, Michael Snyder of the N.Y. Department of State, said after the meeting. Notice was not given to the news media for public dissemination, he acknowledged. A host of nongovernmental organizations were represented in the audience, including: The Natural Resources Defense Council, the Peconic Estuary Program, Citizens Campaign for the Environment, The Nature Conservancy, Sea Grant, Concerned Citizens of Montauk, the Surfrider Foundation and the N.Y. Aquarium.  Read more here  17:44

2 Responses to Bloated Bureaucracy Creating Conflict by Executive Order – NOP Riverhead “Listening Session”


    That’s right Foul Weather Gear how fitting. Monopolizing the decision making of our once Common Property. Create it through Executive Order rename it and delegate your wishes.
    The outfit can double for a Golden shower from Putin.
    National changes should be only authorized through Congressional process.

  2. John Davi of Port Jefferson Station, the only commercial fisherman to attend the April 7 afternoon session, asked who on the planning body represents the commercial fishing industry. Bornholdt answered that NOAA assistant regional administrator Kevin Chu and a representative of the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council filled that role. She explained that as an entity established by executive order, rather than by an act of congress, membership by nongovernmental entities is prohibited. Davi left in the middle of the meeting.

    Established by executive order. That folks is how the most transparent administration ever elected (their words) operates.
    Stack the deck and eliminate the possibility of opposition as much as humanly possible.
    This is just one example of how our present dear leader and his cronies are “fundamentally changing America.” Tyrants, one and all.
    And when you say this you are vilified. Trust me, I know!

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