Kodiak needs a crab restoration effort – LudgerDochtermann

Lu DochtormannToby Sullivan wrote a great piece on the early Kodiak crab fishery. A kick in the mouth with a reminder that the community of Kodiak was built on crab. This city, the state and federal government have spent up to one billion dollars in often unbelievable financial indebtedness and flat-out government largesse, all taxpayer drains.  Read the rest here 16:00

One Response to Kodiak needs a crab restoration effort – LudgerDochtermann

  1. alaskagal says:

    So true. Kodiak’s home ported crab fleet has shrunk away to a handful of boats, yet the town is now home to so many large “fisheries” buildings – with State Fish & Game, NOAA, the Fish Tech Center, and God knows how many fishery related government jobs. I’d be curious to know what the payroll and building costs and upkeep are. I’m sure the amount allocated to crab research is a pittance in comparison. What bothers me most is the sense of entitlement so many of those government workers have. Wouldn’t we ALL like to be able to smoke and process our subsistence fish in a state of the art building? Or do you have to have a PhD for that?

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