Commercial fishermen in Tennessee,,,,,yes, Tennessee, ask for wider net openings to catch Asian carp
MEMPHIS, Tennessee. “Asian carp are a gigantic problem, and it’s no secret that we need to remove as many as we can,” said Wilson. “People have looked at other options for getting rid of them like poisons or diseases that are specific to the carp, but most of those options are still many years down the road. If we don’t do something before then, it’ll be too late — and allowing commercial fishermen to take more of them could be the perfect solution for everyone.” Read more
Sign me up!!!
They can’t catch enough!
Pew will start a campaign and say the resource should be sustainable!
Only if there’s money in it for them.
Catch Shares!!!
We need more places to sell them other than wicklif ky. Prices could be better also. Need a market for them in tn to keep our money and fishermen in tn