We import 92% of our seafood. No wonder Something’s fishy about dismal San Diego seafood sales
San Diegans could be eating more locally caught fresh fish, snails, squid, and lobsters, says a new study by academics from the Scripps Institution of Oceanography and USD, but globalization and a lack of reliable information about where the region’s edible seafood actually comes from is getting in the way. A total of 86 seafood markets served the city of San Diego’s 1.3 million residents in the first half of 2015,” says the August 29 paper in the Future of Food: Journal on Food, Agriculture and Society. “Only 8% of seafood markets consistently carried San Diego–sourced seafood, while 14% carried it on occasion, or at least likely did.” Worse yet, “None of the ethnic markets and only 7% of large chain stores carried San Diego–sourced seafood; these two market types comprised 72% of all seafood markets in San Diego.” Read the story here 11:31
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