The surprising reason you might be seeing more jellyfish in the sea this summer
Scientists have discovered that offshore wind farms and oil and gas platforms provide an ideal habitat in which the creatures can thrive. Until now, the rapid increase in jellyfish numbers in oceans around the world has been largely blamed on overfishing, which wipes out their natural predators, global warming and nutrient run-off. The research suggests that man-made structures have played a role in the jellyfish boom by offering an enticing home for polyps — the tiny organisms which eventually grow into jellyfish. The results suggested a correlation between big jellyfish numbers and man-made structures such as energy platforms and wind farms. click here to read the story 13:41
Oh No! Boris Worm was right. His theory wasn’t all hyperbole—as his recantation claimed. There really will be only jellyfish left in the ocean by 2048—but apparently not because of commercial fishing. No, in fact, it will be due to the Oil, Gas, and Wind Goniffs that for the last few decades, have been funding bogus fisheries research such as Boris’ jellyfish dictum. Misinformation that has been aimed at the removal of commercial fishing.
(snickering) I see jellyfish, I see the Boris Worm image flash across my mental image screen. They say, whoever they are, that Boris’s jelly fish dogma is one of THE most sited fish science articles of, well, forever!