‘Deadliest Catch’ Survived Its Biggest Battle Yet

At the start of Season 19, Deadliest Catch was enduring an obstacle that could have sunk the entire program. When the Alaskan Department of Fish and Game canceled the entire season due to the population of winter snow and red king crab shrinking, production decided the show must go on. Deadliest Catch Executive Producer Aaron Starr-Paul told Deadline, “Fans can anticipate another great season of Deadliest Catch where we will document our captains as they participate in other sustainable Bering Sea crab and pot fisheries, such as Golden King Crab, Bairdi, and Cod.” For many fans, the type of catch holds little bearing. For the men and women braving the conditions, it certainly does; but what a difference a year can make! Season 20 of Deadliest Catch kicked off with the Red King Crab fishery reopening, leading to a derby-style race between the captains. Photos, more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 12:09

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