Another Government Shutdown Could Sink Scallop Fishery Profits

The world is smitten with scallops. Their subtle sweetness and firm but somehow delicate bite has many wanting more. When I previously worked in seafood sales, I couldn’t believe how much chefs in Los Angeles would pay to put the great New Bedford sea scallop on their menus. We’re talking over $35 per pound for the big ones. I’d think to myself, “These chefs know there are scallops in the Pacific, right?” >click to read<15:39
While these federal officials are working as quickly as they can to evaluate new regulations, they are up against a massive backlog of data.
Seriously? A backlog of data? Like this is something new caused by the shutdown. Give me a break. NMFS has been behind with their data for decades. Their stock assessments are a joke and don’t reflect anything near reality.
Blaming the current administration for the shortcomings of NOAA/NMFS is nothing more than the sickening, continued game of politics we have come to expect from our elected idiots n DC.
Defund the NMFS and use the money saved for something useful like building the damn wall on our southern border. Quit playing the anti Trump political games.
government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem. Ronald Reagan.