Category Archives: Western Pacific

PNA Must Cut Purse-Seine Juvenile Bigeye Catches

HONOLULU (23 November 2013) A proposal that would subject the US longline tuna fisheries to a 45 percent reduction in bigeye tuna catch is being proposed by the Parties of Nauru Agreement (PNA), an organization that has supported rampant expansion of tuna purse-seining in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean (WCPO), says Arnold Palacios, chair of the Western Pacific Regional Fishery Management Council (WPRFMC). This impact of the purse-seine expansion has led to bigeye overfishing and a 75 percent reduction in bigeye yield. Read more here 22:07

American Samoa: Crown of thorns killing our reefs

Coral reefs are under threat from a new bloom of crown of thorns starfish.  For the past two weeks, an off-island dive team from the National Park has been killing thousands of starfish in the waters off Fagasa and Fagamalo.  [email protected]

PNA tuna MSC Certified product hits European market – I wonder how.

MSC-LogoThe Pacifical tuna is skipjack tuna caught from wild schools (rather than using Fish Aggregating Devices or FADs) and carries the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC) ecolabel. more@solomanstarnews   Read TUNA SHOWDOWN. Is this conflicting information?  13:47

TUNA SHOWDOWN: Pacific tuna stock faces growing crisis of inaction

elizabethIIIA showdown that could decide the sustainability of the US$7 billion Pacific tuna industry is expected at the annual meeting of the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Commission (WCPFC) in Cairns, Australia, on December 2-6. [email protected] 12:33

Fukushima: Arranging the Deck Chairs While Death Comes from Japan

Fukushima continues to leak, and leak at ever increasing rates and the latest prediction is that this contamination will continue until 2015, at the earliest. Until then, will the Pacific Ocean be poisoned beyond repair (if this has not happened already)? That little tidbit was from Global Research. I’m sure they are just trying to scare us, right? I mean how can a little radioactive water do any damage? more@opednews  07:55

Fisherman medevaced from F/V Jeanette near Kiribati

uscg-logoHONOLULU — The Coast Guard medically evacuated a crewmember from a fishing vessel located approximately 280 miles southwest of Kanton Island, Kiribati, Tuesday. more@uscgnews 07:03

Eliminate Bottomfish Restricted Fishing Areas in Hawaii, Western Pacific Regional Fishery Council Recommends

HONOLULU (21 October 2013) The State of Hawaii’s Bottomfish Restricted Fishing Areas (BRFAs) located in federal waters should be eliminated, according to the Western Pacific Regional Fishery Management Council. Meeting last week in Honolulu, the Council also encouraged the State to consider removing all BRFAs in State waters. More here  00:40

Necropsy finds 5 fish hooks in dolphin in Hawaii

HONOLULU (AP) — A rare dolphin found dead on a remote Hawaii beach earlier this month swallowed five fish hooks, but they apparently didn’t cause its death. A necropsy of the dolphin — called a false killer whale — showed the hooks were floating in its stomach along with the partially digested remains of a large marlin, some tuna and several types of squid. more@gosanangelo  11:05


Honolulu-Fish-Auction-Bluefin-TunaHONOLULU (18 October 2013) The United States should not accept a reduction in the bigeye tuna limit for the Hawaii longline fishery, according to the Western Pacific Regional Fishery Management Council, which concluded a four-day meeting in Honolulu today. Authorized by Congress to manage fisheries seaward of State and Territorial waters in the US Pacific Islands, the Council noted that the Hawaii longline fishery operates several thousand miles from the equatorial Pacific, where nearly 90 percent of bigeye tuna fishing mortality occurs. More in Press Releases 22:54

Limits have Maui and Lanai fishing communities worried about ‘cultural rights’

A meeting organized by the state Department of Land and Natural Resources attracted about 100 people Wednesday night at Maui Waena Intermediate School. The changes propose bag and size limits for several popular nearshore reef fish, including goatfish, parrotfish (uhu) and jacks (ulua and papio). Under the new rules, none of the large blue parrotfish (uhu ‘ele’ele and uhu uliuli) may be taken at any time, and no more than two of the other varieties of uhu per fisherman may be taken in a day. more@mauinews 16:29

Listen Live! From Honolulu – Western Pacific Regional Fishery Management Council Meeting – Happening NOW!

The 158th Council Meeting starts today with agency reports and Hawaii Archipelago and PRIA FEPs.  If you can’t make it down to the Laniakea YWCA in downtown Honolulu, you can catch the meeting online at   Wpcouncil1
For the agenda and other information (including the webex link) visit  19:43

Hawaii longline fishery to take 40-percent cut on its current bigeye tuna quota? video

“Right now we are basically at a position where this international  body the Western Central Pacific Fisheries Commission is going to be deciding the next sort of phase of the conservation and management for bigeye tuna,” Western Pacific Fishery Management Council Enforcement Coordinator Eric Kingma said. Kingma says even though Hawaii fishermen fish thousands of miles away from where the overfishing is happening, Hawaii is being targeted because we are part of the U.S. commission. more@kohn2  03:23

Scientists Recommend Spatial Management Measures to Conserve Bigeye Tuna, Elimination of Hawaii Bottomfish Restricted Areas

WPRFMC Press Release, Oct. 11, 2013 – An international group of scientists that advises the Western Pacific Regional Fishery Management Council (Council) concluded its three-day meeting Thursday admonishing the Western and Central Pacific Fishery Commission (WCPFC) for its failure to prevent an increase in fleet capacity, fishing effort and catch of tropical tunas in the Western and Central Pacific Ocean (WCPO). more@ Press Releases 10:28

Navigating the Western Pacific Council Process

Guide to the Western Pacific Regional Fishery Management Council, 5th Edition  [email protected] 15:20

Hawaii Division of Conservation and Resources Enforcement officers find giant illegal fishing net off Oahu

State conservation officers continue to monitor waters off Oahu for large illegal fishing nets after several were confiscated in Kaneohe Bay this summer. more@staradvertizer 09:58

WPRFMC: Fishery Scientists and Managers to Consider Potential Quota Reduction for the Hawaii Longline Fishery, Mariana Shark Management

HONOLULU (04 October 2013) The port of Honolulu consistently ranks as one of the nation’s top 10 fishing ports in terms of value landed. The reason is the sashimi-quality bigeye tuna landed by the Hawaii longline fleet. This fishery is recognized globally as a model for sustainable pelagic fishing with a rating of 95 percent against the UN Code of Conduct for Responsible Fishing. Eighty percent of the tuna landed by the fishery stays in Hawaii, where tuna tops the list of seafood consumed. more in press release’s 16:25

The American Samoa Government has signed a new lease with StarKist Samoa

The new lease, which has been submitted to the Fono for review, is for 408,203 square feet of land in Atu’u. The old 30-year lease between StarKist and ASG expired last month and it was for 270,126 sq. feet which covers the cannery premises, warehouse net lockers, marine railway, area along the dock, guard shack and below guard shack. [email protected] 18:15

Pipe Had Leak 1 Year Before Hawaii Molasses Spill

Department of Transportation Deputy Director Randy Grune said Friday he sent a letter in July 2012 to Matson Navigation Co. notifying the company of the leak. The letter, provided to reporters Friday, asked Matson to tell the state when the pipeline was repaired. [email protected] 11:44

HONOLULU: 25,000 fish killed in Matson Molasses Spill

Keith Kawaoka, Chief of the State Health Department’s Hazards Evaluation and Emergency Response said today, “Just to give you an indication of what the fish kill count has been, we’re just over 25 thousand as of today.” more@hawaiinewsnow 14:17

Newsletter of the Western Pacific Regional Fishery Management Council – Impressive publication!

Pacific Islands Fishery News Summer 2013 – Newsletter of the Western Pacific Regional Fishery Management Council  link  23:35

the outsourcing of US domestic fisheries

In my job as a research fishery biologist, I work closely with the Hawaii commercial fishing industry. This industry is dominated by pelagic longline vessels that target tuna and related species for both the U.S. and global markets. The vessels are all U.S. flagged and the captains are all U.S. citizens as the Jones Act dictates, but the crew is almost always outsourced to foreign labor— which should violate the Jones Act. more@dailykos  00:00

Massive Molasses Spill Devastates Honolulu Marine Life – “Everything down there is dead.”

That’s one stunning quote from Hawaii News Now’s latest report about the devastating damage that’s been done to the marine life off Honolulu’s Sand Island by 233,000 gallons of molasses that were spilled into Honolulu harbor on Monday. more@npr  16:48

U S Coast Guard Goes the Extra Miles

uscg-logoelizabethIIIWatchstanders at the Joint Rescue Coordination Center in Honolulu received a call from the vessel agent, Tri Marine Group, requesting assistance in transporting a crewmember to emergency medical services. A 36-year-old Panamanian man aboard the fishing vessel Cape Elizabeth III was reportedly suffering symptoms of appendicitis. At 2:05 p.m., JRCC launched an HC-130 Hercules aircrew from Air Station Barbers Point. After a six-hour flight of approximately 3,065 miles, the Hercules crew landed on Kanton Island where they met the patient. The patient was transferred by a helicopter from the Cape Elizabeth III’s sister ship, Cape Horn to Kanton Island. more@uscgnews  20:53

Western Pacific: Penalties for Purse Seine Fishing Violations Total More Than $1.5 Million

clip_image002_001Decisions were issued the week of August 19, 2013, in two separate enforcement cases from the Pacific Islands involving U.S. purse seine vessels fishing in violation of the Western and Central Pacific Fisheries Convention Implementation Act (WCPFCIA)….  F/V American Triumph, F/V Ocean Encounter, F/V Ocean Conquest, F/V Sea Honor, F/V Sea Quest and F/V Pacific Ranger, the owners, operators and fishing masters were charged [email protected] 10:50

Japan considering dumping Fukushima’s radioactive water into the Pacific

There are over 1,000 tanks on-site containing the water, and one has already leaked 300 tons. Water near one tank has radiation levels 18 times higher than previously reported. more@euronews  09:31

Amerian Samoa: STP/Tri Marine makes steady progress

Samoa Tuna Processors went to great lengths to save corals and sea grass  near its plant at Atu’u before it begins construction of a small vessel dock. The US Army Corps of Engineers issued the permit for the dock in May. The statement also announced that owners of STP. Tri Marine International, has launched a  new brand of canned tuna in the US market.  This is Ocean Naturals brand, canned Skipjack tuna in water which is in nation-wide distribution at all Walmart stores. [email protected]  13:14

Hawai’i Fishermen’s Alliance Petition To Delist the North Pacific Population of the Humpback Whale from Endangered Species Act

NMFS announce a 90-day finding on a petition to identify the (Megaptera novaeangliae) as a Distinct Population Segment (DPS) and delist the DPS under the Endangered Species Act (ESA). The humpback whale was listed as an endangered species in 1970 under the Endangered Species and Conservation Act of 1969, which was later superseded by the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended (ESA). We find that the petition viewed in the context of information readily available in our files presents substantial scientific and commercial information indicating that the petitioned action may be warranted. more here  13:44

Leaking fuel tank washes up on Kauai

Japanese characters on the side of the tank and the large amount of marine growth led Berg to conclude that the tank came from Japan after the March 2011 tsunami. more@honalulustaradvertizer 07:25

Fukushima crisis new blow to Japanese fishermen’s hopes

Fumio Suzuki, a third-generation fisherman, sets out into the Pacific Ocean  every seven weeks. Not to catch fish that he can sell but to catch fish that can  be tested for radiation. Fishermen like 47-year-old Suzuki now wonder whether they ever will be able to  resume fishing, a mainstay for many small rural communities like Yotsukura, 45  kilometres (30 miles) south of the Fukushima plant. His son has already moved  on, looking for work in construction. more@3news 08:33

Mercury levels in Pacific fish likely to rise in coming decades, study reports

The study also confirmed that the mercury found in Pacific fish near Hawaii likely traveled through the air for thousands of miles before being deposited on the ocean surface in rainfall, said U-M environmental scientist Joel Blum. The North Pacific fisheries are downwind from rapidly industrializing nations such as China and India that are increasingly reliant on coal-burning power plants, a major source of mercury pollution. [email protected] 16:46