Daily Archives: December 7, 2012

FWC asked to help save oyster industry APALACHICOLA

“If we don’t get something done in the next one-and-a-half years, we’re not going to have a bay,” said Shannon Hartsfield, a fourth-generation oysterman who serves as president of the Franklin County Seafood Workers Association.


Billfish Act Legislation bans import of billfish products

The legislation bans the import of billfish products into the United States. Even though the U.S. has been a world leader with respect to the establishment of catch-and-release practices for billfish species by recreational anglers and a reduction in bycatch by the U.S. commercial fishing fleet through seasonal closures and gear restrictions, this nation was still the world’s largest importer of billfish products.http://www.tcpalm.com/news/2012/dec/07/billfish-act-helps-ensure-future-looks-better/

Arson charged in boat burning – intended to burn the Slava II because he was having issues with his father and called him “a son of a bitch.”

“The male, later identified as Mike Martushoff, advised the officers that he was armed with a shotgun and was intending to burn himself and the Slava II,” police said. Officers then spoke with him via cell phone from a safe distance. The suspect told police he was drinking Vodka. http://homertribune.com/2012/12/arson-charged-in-boat-burning/

OMG- Outstanding Cartoon Based Off Our Exit Interview With Lobsterman Wannabe Ben Grenon From North Carolina-gmg

imageWe taped this interview two days ago and I posted it last night.  I have no idea how you could turn this around in a full animation in less than 24 hours. http://goodmorninggloucester.wordpress.com/2012/12/06/omg-outstanding-cartoon-based-off-our-exit-interview-with-lobsterman-wannabe-ben-grenon-from-north-carolina/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+Goodmorninggloucester+%28GoodMorningGloucester%29

Processors denied in challenge to Gulf rockfish program – Alaska Dispatch

The rockfish program implemented in 2012 allocated shares of the total harvest  to vessel owners, but did not guarantee processors a share of the harvest, as  the prior pilot program had done. The rockfish program also allocates set  amounts of high-value secondary targets such as sablefish and Pacific cod to  catcher vessels. Four Kodiak processors — Trident Seafoods, Ocean Beauty, Westward Seafoods, and  North Pacific Seafoods — filed suit in January, asking for a guaranteed delivery  of a portion of the harvest each year. http://www.alaskajournal.com/Alaska-Journal-of-Commerce/December-Issue-2-2012/Processors-denied-in-challenge-to-Gulf-rockfish-program/