Daily Archives: December 31, 2012

Get ready to be Hooked! The story behind the story of a Sitka fisherman found adrift in fish tote. Video

Back in September, there was a news story about a fisherman found adrift in a plastic fish tote following the sinking of the troller he was fishing from.

This true story had a tremendous ending for the fact that both fishermen defied the odds and survived!

This would usually be the end of the story, alls well that ends well.

There is so much to this tale of good fortune, and through a lot of luck for all that read this, and who also watch the video of a wonderful writer, and story-teller who by fate, found herself right in the middle of it along with her life partner Joel Brady-Power and Bear the Boat Cat on board F/V Nerka out of Sitka, Alaska, you will feel like you are there!

Enough out of me, though.

This is Tele Aadsen, and these are her story’s from her blog, Hooked.


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A nice audio presentation of the NEFMC December 20, 2012 public comments from savingseafood.org

I just got this from savingseafood and am posting it for those interested in listening to the comments without the hassle of listening to the audio recordings posted on fisherynation.com on December 21, 2012 from the nefmc website.

AUDIO: Council Members Face Angry Fishermen  and Threats From Environmentalists at NEFMC Dec. 20 Meeting Click Here

https://fisherynation.com/archives/2747  Click  “COUNCIL AUDIO” Click “Groundfish FW 48 Discussion (AM) (few minutes at the beginning of discussion not recorded)  Listen in its entirety or left click the slider and move it to 1:55.00 to listen to the public comments.

Please forgive my substandard post. I will strive to do better. BH