Daily Archives: December 4, 2012

Editorial: Any fishery aid should come from NOAA, Commerce – mad science and built-to-fail catch share management policies

Lumping in fishermen’s economic disaster aid with money going to recovery from a true natural disaster would miscast the fishery disaster as some sort of natural catastrophe as well, and it’s not. The New England and Northeast fishery disaster is a man-made, intentional economic collapse that was not just caused, but truly engineered by NOAA and administrator Jane Lubchenco, who, still propped up by the White House, have driven Gloucester’s, New England’s and America’s own fishermen right out of their jobs and their way of life while the president himself hypocritically proclaims he wants “jobs, jobs, jobs” for American working families.http://www.gloucestertimes.com/opinion/x2120610726/Editorial-Any-fishery-aid-should-come-from-NOAA-Commerce

Northern shrimp in the Gulf of Maine season slashed 74pc by the ASMFC

The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC) this week set the season’s shrimp catch limit at 1.38 million lbs — down from 5.3 million lbs in 2012 — to protect the shrimp population from overfishing and the effects of higher water temperatures. http://fis.com/fis/worldnews/worldnews.asp?l=e&ndb=1&id=57324



Southerland, who serves on the House Natural Resources Committee’s Fisheries, Wildlife, Oceans and Insular Affairs Subcommittee, marina manager Pam Anderson, and Captain Bob Zales, who runs boats for recreational fishers out of Panama City, discussed difficulties with current regulations under the 2007 reauthorization of the Magnuson-Stevens Act and planned regulations under President Obama’s National Oceans Policy. http://bwcentral.org/2012/10/fishermen-cry-war-over-fishing-regulations-making-war-on-our-food-supply/

Deepwater disaster scrutinised

SCIENTISTS at the University of Miami (UM) Rosenstiel School of Marine & Atmospheric Science have illustrated a number of subtle but disastrous impacts caused by the Deepwater Horizon (DWH) oil spill…… After a month of raising these fish in clean water, the team put the resulting juveniles through the paces on their “fish treadmill” and they could only swim about 70 per cent as fast as those that had never been exposed to oil. http://www.fishnewseu.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=9455:deepwater-disaster-scrutinised&catid=46:world&Itemid=56

County Commissioners to hold Rally in Salem Thursday for Gillnetters – Public To Speak at Friday, Dec. 7 Meeting! BE THERE!

To show support for the local commercial salmon fishing industry, the Clatsop County Commissioners are organizing a rally on the steps of the state capital in Salem, Thursday at 11:30 a.m. The Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission will take up the gillnet plan beginning at 8 a.m. Friday, Dec. 7 at the Holiday Inn-Portland Airport, Willamette Room, 8439 NE Columbia Blvd., Portland. Public testimony will be taken at the meeting. http://www.seasidesignal.com/regional/article_52cea3a6-3db4-11e2-8658-001a4bcf887a.html

Reps seek to tie fishing boost to Sandy aid , Patrick blames the catch shares, Blank draws a blank blames “undetermined causes”

Congressman John Tierney and two colleagues today asked the House Appropriations Committee not to forget the Northeast groundfishing industry in the drafting of any disaster relief legislation for the Atlantic states ravaged in late October by superstorm Sandy. Patrick blamed the catch share system for the disaster, but Blank described it resulting from “undetermined causes” and diminishing stocks rather than government policies designed to remove a “sizable fraction” of the fleet, as NOAA administrator Jane Lubchenco had,,,,,,http://www.gloucestertimes.com/topstories/x1839363389/Reps-seek-to-tie-fishing-boost-to-Sandy-aid