Daily Archives: December 3, 2012
New study shows dispersant makes oil up to 52 times more toxic to Gulf of Mexico microorganisms
Followup studies after the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill call into question the extensive use of chemical dispersants. Photo courtesy NOAA.
FRISCO — The massive amounts of oil that spilled into the Gulf of Mexico after BP’s Deepwater Horizon drill rig exploded was devastating to marine life, but the dispersant used in the aftermath to try and break down the oil slicks may have been even worse for some species, according to new research done by scientists with the Georgia Institute of Technology and Universidad Autonoma de Aguascalientes, Mexico. http://summitcountyvoice.com/2012/12/01/environment-new-study-shows-dispersant-makes-oil-up-to-52-times-more-toxic-to-gulf-of-mexico-microorganisms/
Whats up with this NOAA Fisheries stuff? I cannot find anything official, but they have it plastered on everything!
This abandonment of NMFS and the increased use of “NOAA FISHERIES” prompted me to do some snooping around, but I can’t find anything about it! What the Hell is going on and who in the Hell are they to just change it? If you know anything about it, leave a comment. Lets get to the bottom of this, eh? BH
Attn: Tier 1 and 2 Atlantic Mackerel Permit Holders – Marjorie Mooney-Seus say’s “You’re Approved!” “Come on down to,,,,,,,” UPDATED!
More individuals and entities approved to complete vessel hold measurements. Deadline to submit extended to December 31, 2013. NOAA Fisheries announces that we have expanded the list of individuals and entities approved to complete vessel hold capacity measurements for Tier 1 and 2 Atlantic mackerel permit holders. We have also extended the deadline to submit vessel hold capacity measurements from December 31, 2012, to December 31, 2013, or during a vessel replacement transaction, whichever comes first. Click here here for further details. Her links NEVER work!
On Track to See Record Number of Sea Turtle Strandings in Northeast this Year (funny. these links work)
Each year when autumn rolls around, sea turtles tend to strand along the Northeast coast as a result of “cold stunning.” It has been an extraordinarily busy sea turtle stranding season, with a running total of 150 reported strandings so far from Massachusetts to New York.
Guest View: Strong action on menhaden best for coastal economy and ecology – Peter Baker – Pew Environment Group.
Unfortunately, a recent guest commentary in this paper (“Guest View: Menhaden fishery needs reasonable — not drastic — action,” Nov. 7) presented an outdated picture of the science about this fish and a false choice between protecting menhaden and jobs. In fact, sound science supports bold action on menhaden to benefit both our coastal ecosystem and economy.http://www.southcoasttoday.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20121203/OPINION/212030322
More humpbacks could cause problems by Ed Schoenfeld, CoastAlaska News (audio)
There’s a baby boom going on with Alaska’s humpback whales. Slow-but-steady population growth is good news for the species, as well as whale-watchers. But it could be bad news for boaters, hatcheries and the herring fleet. The healthy population was visible during a boat tour held as part of the Sitka WhaleFest Science Symposium, held Nov. 1-4. “There’s a few more whales further out. http://www.kcaw.org/2012/12/01/more-humpbacks-could-cause-problems/
‘What is NOAA trying to hide?’
In the latest letter, which the Times obtained, Broun wrote that “by law, NOAA must comply with citizen requests for information under the Freedom of Information Act within 20 working days. I shouldn’t have to remind you that a congressional committee with jurisdiction over NOAA is afforded greater access than that of citizens under FOIA.” Lubchenco’s spokeman Scott Smullen emailed the Times that “we will soon provide an answer to the congressman.”