Daily Archives: December 9, 2013

American Samoa: Sea cucumber off limits for 6 months

Governor Lolo has signed an executive order placing a ban on the removal of sea cucumbers from local waters. The worm-like and usually soft-bodied echinoderms keep the reefs clean. However in recent years, the Department of Marine and Wildlife Resources has seen the species being removed in alarmingly great numbers and exported to Asia, where they are a staple in stir-fry, soups and stews. [email protected]  22:57

New Brunswick scientists seek cod parasite vaccine

CBC_News_logoLoma morhua is an infectious parasite that latches onto the gills of the large fish, draining them of health. It is partly to blame for the cod aquaculture crash a few years ago in Atlantic Canada. Researchers say that the parasite might be causing the fish to slowly drown, or become dehydrated. “Given the fact that the parasite establishes on the gills of the fish — that ultimately it causes an impermeability for fish to acquire oxygen in the water,” says Michael Duffy, head of the research team at the University of New Brunswick. more@cbc  22:38

With a cut in clamming licenses looming, Brunswick harvesters consider digging quahogs to save jobs

BRUNSWICK, Maine — Brunswick-area shellfish harvesters are looking at better management of the large, hard-shelled clams known as quahogs as one way to offset what could be a “significant” reduction in the number of commercial softshell clamming licenses in town. Largely due to the infestation of the predatory European green crab, more@BDN  20:57

Let’s talk Nut’s! – PETA: Serving fish at an aquarium is like serving “poodle burgers” at a dog show.

PETA TO National Aquarium of New Zealand: Please Don’t Eat the Fish! Serving fish at an aquarium is like serving “poodle burgers” at a dog show. That’s the message that was sent to Rob Yarrall, manager of the National Aquarium of New Zealand, in a letter fired off this morning by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) Australia asking that all fish dishes be removed from the menu. Despite the fact that fish are intelligent animals who feel pain and that part of the aquarium’s role is to act as an educational facility, the Fish Bowl Cafe includes fish and chips on its menu. more@scoopnz  20:31

Canada signal’s intentions to claim the North Pole and surrounding Arctic waters

After a decade of surveying the country’s eastern and far north seabeds and gathering supporting evidence, a claim was submitted to the Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf on Friday. Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird said the filing mainly concerns the outer limits of Canada’s continental shelf in the Atlantic Ocean. But it also includes “preliminary information concerning the outer limits of (Canada’s) continental shelf in the Arctic Ocean,” he said. more@abs-cbnnews  20:14

The IPHC Still in need of F/V’s for Expanded Halibut Survey’s

FISH-With-Mic-Logo-GRAPHIC-303-x-400-e1360148757522Halibut scientists plan to expand the yearly stock assessments by 30% next summer, adding 390 survey stations to the existing 1,300. The stations are located coast wide from Oregon to the Bering Sea. Since 1998 the halibut surveys have been done in a depth range of 20 to 275 fathoms where most of the fishing was taking place. But that’s been changing. more@fishradio   17:49

Alaska: Halibut=down; pollock=up; cod=up; sablefish=down; Sitka herring=up

FISH-With-Mic-Logo-GRAPHIC-303-x-400-e1360148757522Next year’s halibut catches will decrease again for all regions except Southeast Alaska, if managers follow the lead of their science advisors. The International Pacific Halibut Commission recommended a 2014 coast wide commercial catch of just under 25 million pounds, a 21 percent decrease from the 31 million pounds allowed for this year. Alaska’s share of the catch would be 18.7 million pounds. more@fishradio  17:13

La Pointe Seafoods Lobster pound in Belliveau’s Cove destroyed by fire

La Pointe Seafoods in Belliveau’s Cove caught fire at 8:30 p.m Sunday. Pierre Boissonnault, the company’s president, said there was over 4,500 kilograms of lobster in the building at the time of the fire — all of it destroyed. He said the company does have insurance but the fire is still a devastating blow to the community, especially with the lucrative lobster season beginning just a week and a half ago on Nov. 30.

more@cbc 14:05

Lower Summer Flounder limits could reduce supply to NC restaurants

A sizable cut to summer flounder catch limits will affect the state’s commercial fishermen next year, but it also could impact area restaurants — and diners — accustomed to a steady supply of fresh, local flounder throughout the year. The new commercial quota, which will take effect Jan. 1, is 10.51 million pounds, nearly a million pounds less than this year’s quota of 11.44 million pounds. [email protected]  13:55

Rhode Island AG lends support to Mass. lawsuit seeking to overturn ‘Draconian’ fishing regulation

PROVIDENCE – Attorney General Peter F. Kilmartin has filed an amicus brief with the U.S. District Court in support of the Massachusetts lawsuit against the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration seeking to reverse a federal regulation that reduces ground-fishing allotments by 77 percent.< em> [email protected] 13:45

Mid Atlantic Fishery Management Council Meeting in Annapolis, MD: December 9-12, 2013

The public is invited to attend the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council’s December meeting in Annapolis, Maryland. December 9-12, 2013 Westin Annapolis Hotel 100 Westgate Circle Annapolis, Maryland, 21401
Telephone (410) 972- 4300 Webinar Link: http://mafmc.adobeconnect.com/dec2013/ (select “enter as a guest”). Briefing Book: Briefing materials will be posted in late November on the December 2013 Council meeting page. Agenda: Download the agenda as a PDF, or see the agenda below. 08:30

Area legislators urge feds to protect local fishermen – NOAA’s draft rules on tuna draw fire

gdt iconIn their letter, sent Friday to acting Administrator Samuel D. Rauch III, Tierney, the two senators, and the state’s other delegation members — from South Shore and South Coast representatives William Keating and Joseph P. Kennedy III to Lowell-based Niki Tsongas and Western Mass. Congressman Richard Neal — all called for NOAA to make certain that any mandates ensure “equity among fishing participants from different regions, future fishing opportunities for Massachusetts’ traditional near-shore fishing industry, and the long-term sustainability of this unique fish.” more@GDT  05:32