(AP) Tkacz, who covered the Legislature and specialized in writing about the commercial fishing and seafood industries, died last May at age 61. He was one of five inductees by the trade association. The others were retiring state Sen. Fred Dyson of Eagle River, Albert Ball Sr., Jim Kallander and Keith Jefferts. The fishermen’s group says Ball, Kallander and Jefferts died this past year. 12:21 , Veteran Alaska Journalist Tkacz Found Dead
Monthly Archives: October 2014
Reducing pelagic longline fisheries by catch – Fishery research: A squid that a shark won’t eat
A New Jersey native is working on a shark repellant that will reduce the by-catch of sharks and rays in the . It’s called SuperPolyShark and its scent is strong enough to make a shark turn its head. In 2012, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration awarded Shark Defense Technologies and Key West Community College with a $234,311 grant to develop the product in the field. Read the rest here 12:53
Open fishing plea to get sharks
One of WA’s most experienced professional fishermen has called on the State Government to reopen commercial fishing off Perth, saying it would be the most effective way of protecting people from “plagues” of sharks. Read the rest here
East-West hostility may stall Ross Sea conservation
A proposal to protect one of the most pristine marine ecosystems on the earth, Antarctica’s Ross Sea, could be jeopardized by growing tensions between Russia and the West, say environmentalists involved in next week’s high-level meeting on the plan. The two countries first blocked plans for the reserve in 2011 but, according to one environmentalist who asked to remain anonymous, CCAMLR negotiations took a downturn in 2013 when Russia granted asylum to National Security Agency whistleblower Edward Snowden, prompting President Barack Obama to cancel a summit with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Read the rest here 12:30
Summer flounder ‘scoping’ meeting a new twist for fishermen
Last week was the first summer flounder (fluke) “scoping” meeting for me and many others. The Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council (MAFMC) and the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission (ASMFC), both responsible for managing summer flounder in our State, held a summer flounder scoping meeting. Read the rest here
Canada Invests in Newfoundland and Labrador’s Small Craft Harbours
Senator Fabian Manning, on behalf of the Honourable Gail Shea, Minister of Fisheries and Oceans, today announced an $18.4 million investment in improvement projects at small craft harbours in Newfoundland and Labrador. This investment is supporting the following major projects: Read the rest here 11:38
Key Alaska fisheries look set for strong season
Shelburne County lobster fishermen suspended-Longtime practice questioned by MLA Sterling Belliveau
YARMOUTH — Some recent convictions for lobster fishing violations in southwestern Nova Scotia involved fishermen who, in addition to being fined, are also prohibited from fishing for different lengths of time next season. Read the rest here 08:23
WPRFMC Press Release, October 16, 2014 – Fishers Forum on Hawai`i Yellowfin and North Pacific Striped Marlin Management
HONOLULU (16 October 2014) The public is invited to attend the Fishers Forum on Hawai`i yellowfin tuna and North Pacific striped marlin and view a sneak preview of ‘Ahi—The Yellowfin Tuna. This short documentary focuses on the importance of the species and research on the local stock that may have important management implications. Read the press release here 22:54
Fisherman dies in Aleutian Islands clinic after medical emergency
A 44-year-old Unalaska man died Wednesday morning after suffering a medical emergency aboard a fishing vessel, according to Alaska State Troopers. Troopers say in a Thursday dispatch that 44-year-old Jonathan Paul Brown, a fisherman aboard the fishing vessel Cynosure, was admitted at 9 a.m. Wednesday to the clinic in Atka, about 350 miles southwest of Unalaska in the Aleutian Islands. Read the rest here 19:26
Latest Update (05:01eastern) on Hurricane Gonzalo, to Bring Risk of Flooding, Damaging Wind to Newfoundland
After blasting Bermuda, Gonzalo will travel into Canada waters and will pass near the Avalon Peninsula in southeastern Newfoundland this weekend. How rough weather conditions get in Newfoundland will depend on the exact track and strength of the system as it takes a curved path to the northeast over the North Atlantic Ocean. Read the rest here 09:27
“And I see Lori in my head, and I’ve got to kick, you know, I’ve just got to kick,” – Overboard shrimper opens up about life-saving swim
A routine shrimping trip on the Gulf took a turn for the worst Sunday night. A seasoned shrimper was headed back to shore with his catch when he suddenly found himself overboard. Mitchell Sevel has been shrimping for over 30 years, but he said Sunday night was a first for him. According to Sevel, a rogue wave hit the boat causing him to slip and go over portside. Video, Read the rest here 15:12
Bureaucracy: New federal task force to deal with climate change’s effects on fisheries
A new federal task force will advise the U.S. Department of Commerce about fishery policies concerning climate change. The Department’s National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration is announcing in the Federal Register of Thursday, Aug. 16, 2014 that it is seeking nominations for membership in the forthcoming Climate & Marine Resources Task Force that will work with the Marine Fisheries Advisory Committee. The National Marine Fisheries Service (NMFS) will appoint the members in conjunction with the committee. Read the rest here 13:28
If you want to help shape Columbia fishing, here’s your chance
The Oregon and Washington departments of Fish and Wildlife are taking nominations for people to serve on either the Columbia River Recreational Fishery Advisory Group or the Columbia River Commercial Fishery Advisory Group. Read the rest here 13:19
Michael Peele: A family fishing tradition lives on
Michael Peele is the quintessential Outer Banks fisherman — resolute, generous, hard-working and deeply connected to his heritage. Peele lives in Hatteras village on land owned by his family since the early 19th century. He has lived on the island for all of his 62 years except for the years he served with the U.S. Army Rangers. Read the rest here 13:11
Given the cold water going into winter, the current “Ice Breaking Fleet” operating on the Great Lakes may be inadequate this year
A recent WUWT story notes the well below normal water temperature of the Great Lakes, some 6 degrees colder than last year. David DuByne writes, and a video follows: With the Great Lakes at 92% ice coverage during the winter of 2013-2014 and far below average water temperatures this year in the lakes, ice will form earlier and last longer into spring. This will have an effect on shipping and delivery of cargo throughout the region disrupting the Great Lakes Economy. Video, and read the rest here 12:36
Rare Shark Feeding Frenzy in North Carolina
Click enlarge, bottom right for full screen view. 11:57
Gov. Kitzhaber Throws Weight Behind Effort to Keep Coast Guard Helicopter in Newport
Gov. John Kitzhaber has joined ranks with local residents and elected officials to keep a U.S. Coast Guard search and rescue helicopter based at the Newport airport. The governor pointed out that Newport’s importance as a commercial fishing port equals that of Coos Bay and Astoria, ports where the Coast Guard maintains aerial search and rescue capability. Read the rest here 09:12
Fish and Game rescinds Cook Inlet season summary to correct ‘nomenclature’
A work session that began Wednesday in Juneau started with one member asking the Alaska Department of Fish and Game to amend its commercial salmon season summary in Upper Cook Inlet due to issues with “nomenclature.” At issue is a portion of the summary that lists the number of sockeye estimated to have passed into their spawning beds on several rivers, lakes and creeks in the Cook Inlet. Read the rest here 08:35
Guest View: Saving cod won’t be easy
Cod, the fish that has fueled New England seaport economies for nearly four centuries, have all but disappeared from the Gulf of Maine, and recent stock surveys indicate that even with tightened catch limits, their numbers are not rebounding as hoped., There are a variety of reasons for the ongoing decline, not the least of which is a changing marine ecosystem driven by climate change. According to the region’s leading scientists, Read the rest here 07:46
Precision Seafood Harvesting Named NZ’s Supreme Innovator
Auckland, New Zealand – The new fishing technology tipped to change the way the world fishes has been named Supreme New Zealand Innovator for 2014. (here) PSH is a revolutionary fishing technology that does away with traditional trawl nets to allow fish to be landed on boats alive and in perfect condition, while safely releasing undersized fish and by catch. Read the rest here 23:57
Study: Sleeper sharks may kill Steller sea lions
Scientists researching the severe decline in Alaska’s Steller sea lion population have a fingered a new possible suspect for the drop: Pacific sleeper sharks, a species previously thought of as a scavenger and fish-eater. The cause is unknown. Among the theories are a change in fish population because of global warming or competition from commercial fisherman. The theory of mortality from predators, Horning said, has “fallen by the wayside.” Read the rest here 19:52
Deep-pocketed environmental advocacy groups simply tell the president what they want. Screw everyone else!
In a statement yesterday, Saipan resident and environmentalist John Gourley said the U.S. government is “handicapping” its own fishing fleet and forcing U.S. fishermen to fish in smaller and smaller areas. Gourley said creating marine monuments takes minimal effort and it does not cost anything as it is an unfunded mandate. “It also takes no planning on the U.S. administration’s part as deep-pocketed environmental advocacy groups simply tell the president what they want. What could be simpler?” Read the rest here 18:23
Maine fisherman Jonathan McDaniel of Gorham on ‘Deadliest Catch’s’ Time Bandit
Like many people, I am a fan of the show ‘Deadliest Catch’ the long-running Discovery Channel television show about crab fishing boats in Alaska. But just yesterday I found out that, as filming for Season 11 of the popular cable program has gotten under way, there is a Maine fisherman who is working as a deckhand on one of the featured boats. Video, Read the rest here 16:08
Regulators set to make decision on Maine eel quota
Federal regulators will soon approve rules for next year’s Maine baby eel fishing season, which could include changes to the lucrative fishery’s quota system. The board is “considering the economic importance of the glass eel fishery, especially in Maine,” said Kate Taylor, eel fishery management plan coordinator with the fisheries commission. Read the rest here 15:54
Carbon Experts at GAO: Feds should do more to stop ocean acidification
GAO said ocean acidification is worsening because the ocean absorbs about 30 percent of carbon dioxide emissions, making the water more acidic. It can hurt commercial fishing, tourism and other parts of the economy. The Center for Biological Diversity said the findings were troubling. Of course they do! Its gonna be a big money maker! Read more here 15:37
Fish and Game hopes research initiative will help to better manage king salmon
KENAI – The state of Alaska is spending millions of dollars to try and solve the mystery of what’s happening to the king salmon population. For the past decade, the fish have been returning to Alaskan rivers and streams in ever dwindling numbers. Video, Read the rest here 15:13
Fact-finding can ease tensions and measure concerns over the impact of a new fishery in Beaufort County.
Beaufort County Council is right to take a new look at balancing the interests of the commercial fishing industry and the citizens who live near commercial fishing operations. The council this week approved on first reading a measure that would force commercial fishing operators to prove they are good neighbors before gaining county zoning approval. Read the rest here 14:43