Daily Archives: October 6, 2014

WWF alarmism raises even green eyebrows

liars-all-aroundsIf there was a performance bonus for most-improved propaganda, surely the spin doctors at the Worldwide Fund for Nature (WWF) deserve the accolade. They issue The Living Planet Report every two years, and this year, they out-performed the 2012 report by a massive 86%. They produced stunner headlines: WWF: World has lost more than half its wildlife in 40 years. Read the rest here, and Please Donate! 19:13

One we missed! Thank you, Joe. F/V Fireman Explodes in Valdez Small Boat Harbor

A 30-foot commercial fishing boat, the F/V Fireman, exploded Wednesday evening at approximately 7:46 p.m. in the Valdez Small Boat Harbor leaving one man with minor injuries. An unidentified 62-year old male was the only known person on board during the time of the explosion, according to Allie Hendrickson, Public Information Officer for the City of Valdez. The man was taken to the hospital to be treated for minor injuries. Read the rest here 18:47

Alberta government kills commercial fishing industry as stocks decline

863a4ac9dc_64635696_o2“We went from producing a million pounds of food into the world food chain, now we buy garbage. Does that really make sense?” Bell said. “Fish used to be a protein source in Alberta. Now it’s a toy.” Bell said the end of commercial fishing could damage the ecosystem, leaving unchecked whitefish to gobble pike and walleye roe. And he estimates a loss of 100 jobs around his hamlet. Read the rest here 15:18

$34.2 Million of Funding for Major Upgrades of Salmon Hatcheries and Spawning Channels

DFO SidebarThe Honourable Gail Shea, Minister of Fisheries and Oceans, joined by Andrew Saxton, MP for North Vancouver and Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Finance, and John Weston, MP for West Vancouver-Sunshine Coast-Sea to Sky Country, today announced that the Government of Canada is providing $34.2 million over five years to upgrade and renew salmon hatcheries and spawning channels operated by the federal government under the Salmonid Enhancement Program (SEP). Read the rest here 14:12

Galveston Bay: With huge damages at stake, trial over waste pits to begin – more than $1 billion in penalties at stake

A half-century ago, the owner and operator of a Pasadena paper mill sent its waste for burial to a site along the San Jacinto River. The black bisque of cancer-causing chemicals eventually leaked from the pits, turning these murky waters into one of the nation’s most polluted places.,, With the waste site under water, dioxins spread into the river and started their climb through Galveston Bay’s food chain. Fish, crab and other marine species ingested contaminated sediment,,, Read the rest here 12:53

Fisherman Catches 50-kg Cod

cod110 lbEysteinn Örn Garðarsson has been a fisherman for 16 years and has caught big fish like shark and flounder before, but he had never seen anything like the fish he caught last Friday. “This is like winning the lottery”, Eysteinn told visir.is. “I saw something big was coming up, so I was ready, but it was extremely heavy.” He is working on Ágúst CK 95, a boat fishing off Grindavík in Southwest Iceland. Read the rest here 12:10

Secondary scallop processing has proven to be a solution to the troubled Ramea fish plant.

The plant has been sitting vacant for about four years during what owner Danny Dumaresque called a battle he couldn’t win against the provincial government. The last operating season for the plant in Ramea was in 2008 and in 2009 the province said no more primary processing licences would be handed out. Half-shelled scallops with an added ingredient will be the product, and Dumaresque said both the resources and the market are already in place. Read the rest here 11:42

My Turn: It’s time for trawlers to pay their fair share – Pete Wedin, F/V Julia Lynn, Homer, AK

Blue NPFMC SidebarIn short, in 2012, after 20 years of unchanged halibut bycatch limits for the Gulf of Alaska trawl fisheries, the North Pacific Fishery Management Council took action to reduce the halibut bycatch limit by 15 percent, to be phased in over three years.,,, At the end of the day, despite the council’s best efforts, thousands of kings and millions of pounds of halibut continue to be taken from the . This is wasted resource. Read the rest here 09:03

Copper River/Prince William Sound Salmon


Lime does not harm lobsters or other marine life, study shows

Tunicate are an invasive species that are a serious threat to the mussel industry. Tunicate attach themselves to mussel socks, completely covering them and making it difficult for the mussels to feed. Lime is used in the mussel industry to remove tunicate from the lines. Lime is also used in the oyster fishery, mainly to remove starfish. Read the rest here 08:04

All Atlantic Canadian resource industries are in some turmoil

863a4ac9dc_64635696_o2Canada, for the past couple of centuries, . While the nation has moved a major distance from the hewers of wood, drawers of water imagery of its early history, resource development remains a cornerstone of our economic development. Read the rest here 07:32