Daily Archives: October 26, 2018
Southern California diver captures Maine lobster – how is that possible?
A diver hunting spiny lobsters last Saturday off Southern California was surprised by the sight of a much larger lobster with large claws. The reason for Jim McKeeman’s astonishment was that spiny lobsters do not have claws and that this was, in fact, a Maine lobster – 3,000 miles from home. >click to read<11:19
North Carolina Fisheries Association Weekly Update for 10/26/2018
>Click here to read the Weekly Update<, to read all the updates >click here<, for older updates listed as NCFA >click here<10:50
Dogfish population declines off East Coast, as will the harvest
A small species of shark that is fished for food off the East Coast has declined slightly in population, and fishermen will be allowed to catch slightly less of it in the coming year. Spiny dogfish are harvested off several Atlantic states, and they are especially popular in Europe. The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission says a recent assessment of the shark’s population shows a decline in the number of spiny dogfish. >click to read<10:13
Fishermen, processor weigh in on 3Ps cod fishery after DFO technical briefing
Glen Hodge depends on cod caught in fishing zone 3Ps for his livelihood. Though he also catches crab and lobster, the species provides 60 per cent of his income, the St. Lawrence inshore fisherman said. This year was a little slower going than last year, he said, but generally he’s done well. “In 3Ps, within the last four years, I had no problem catching fish, no problem whatsoever,” he said. Concerns continue about the wellbeing of the stock in the zone, which covers most of the province’s south coast, however.>click to read<09:54
Columbia River commercial fishery could hinge on century-old method
A series of nets strung between pilings just off the Columbia River shore may offer a glimpse of the future of commercial fishing in the river, even though it harkens back to the fishing practices of a century ago. But some gillnetters say that the experimental fish trap, also known as a pound net, is just another unworkable idea for catching salmon that threatens their livelihoods. One morning last week, researchers from the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife and the Wild Fish Conservancy worked the fish trap set in the Columbia a few miles upstream of Cathlamet, near Nassa Point. >click to read<09:34