Daily Archives: October 9, 2021
Orange County Fisherman Devastated By Oil Spill – Big questions loom for local fishing industries.
Orange County, California sea urchin and lobster fishermen were shut down from crude oil leak in Huntington Beach. This happened at the start of the season after gear was deployed and before any resources were harvested. The CDFW has shut down all local fisheries. This is devastating financially and fishermen have nowhere to turn. One local sea urchin divers wife started a Go-Fund-Me campaign to help ease the pain of uncertainty facing them. CDFW will have to go through a process of scientifically testing lobster and sea urchins to see if there are any contamination issues. Although the beaches have opened, the public safety concerns will take precedence over visible observations. Please help these folks get through these uncertain events by sharing or donating to their survival through this Go-Fund-Me campaign organized by Kimberley Crumley. >click here to read<, and please donate if you can. 16:25
Commercial harvesters “financially devastated” – 79 B.C. commercial salmon fisheries closed for the 2021 season
The abrupt closure of nearly 60 per cent of B.C. salmon fisheries this summer has left commercial harvesters “financially devastated,” according to a survey by the United Fishermen & Allied Workers’ Union. The survey, which was open to both members and non-members of UFAWU-Unifor, found the unexpected loss of income to have been the biggest blow to harvesters following the effects of the pandemic on the industry.,, For a lot of commercial harvesters, the retirement plan is their boats, gear and licence. In ideal circumstances, if you are a licence-holder, you can sell your licence with your boat when you are ready for retirement,,, >click to read< 15:16
‘We take care of each other’ – Volunteers head to Lafitte to help hard hit residents and fishermen
After Hurricane Ida pummeled Lafitte, the fishing town’s fishermen pledge to keep going. The storm destroyed many of their boats, docks and homes. Volunteers distributed 500 meals to the fishing town’s workers and residents. “When someone, a stranger, shows up to lend you a hand, it gives you that little bit of a lift you need emotionally to get back out there to keep fighting and rebuild your life,” >click to read< – Volunteers head to Lafitte to help hard hit residents, and fishermen – Dozens of boats have been damaged or destroyed, and many wonder if the help will arrive before it’s too late. .,, While the food should help fuel recovery workers, homeowners, and shrimpers still have big needs “I lost my house, my boat, crab traps, I lost everything,” said crabber Nathan Fabre of Lafitte. Video>click to read< 13:10
Tanker/Whale Strike Update: ENGO says number of whales killed by ships each year in the 1000s
We posted a story about a 32-foot whale carcass was found wedged on the bow of a Japanese tanker as it pulled into harbour. Shocking images, wasn’t much there. The article today has information that is useful to commercial fishermen trying to survive the ridiculous, engo inspired rules regarding fishery restrictions, and rule changes. Ship strikes are known to be one of the leading causes of death for endangered and vulnerable whale populations, according to WWF. Michael Fishbach, executive director and co-founder of the Great Whale Conservancy, an environmental NGO based in North Carolina, told Insider that a dozen whales are killed by a ship for each one that is recorded. >click to read< 10:46
Alaska snow crab harvest slashed by nearly 90% after population crash in a warming Bering Sea
The snow crab is a mainstay of the Alaska crab boat fleet, much of it based in Washington, and the 2021-22 catch limit of 5.6 million pounds, announced Friday, is down 88% from the previous season. The 2021 fall harvest of Bristol Bay red king crab, another important source of revenue for that fleet, was canceled for this year because of too few females. The combined impacts of the closure and snow crab cutbacks are a big financial hit to crabbers who in past years have grossed more than $200 million from the two harvests. At a meeting of the North Pacific Fishery Management Council this week, crabbers called for additional restrictions in other harvests. >click to read< 09:30
Fishermen’s urgent plea to Boris Johnson over Brexit and funding
The government has set aside a £100million investment fund for the industry, and has promised to replace funding that came via the EU. Now the local fishermen, who number around 600, and the workers who depend on the industry, want to see Brixham land the money to safeguard the future of their historic industry.,,, Fishermen were some of the strongest supporters of breaking away from the European Union, convinced by the potential to take back control of the UK’s waters, and harvest more of the fish in them. But many now see the government’s trade deal and fishing agreement with the EU as falling far short of what was promised. >click to read< 08:55
Commercial Fishing Vessel Aground on New Jersey Beach
A 10:00 p.m. a witness noticed a fishing vessel run aground on Island Beach State Park in Area 23. The witness stated that is appeared the the vessel lost power and drifted onto shore. According to other sources there were three aboard and no injuries reported. The vessel is marked “Bear” and home port appears to be Barnegat Light, NJ, photos, video, >click to read< 07:27