Tag Archives: commercial northern cod fishery

Newly reinstated Newfoundland cod fishery temporarily paused as landings hit limit

The federal government has temporarily paused parts of the newly reinstated commercial northern cod fishery off the east coast of Newfoundland as landings approach the seasonal limit. Fisheries and Oceans Canada says that as of Monday evening, fishers from the east coast of the island cannot fish cod until Sept. 15, when the second half of the season is set to begin. The first half of the season was set to end on Sept. 14, but officials say fishers have almost caught the maximum amount of fish allowed during that period. Labrador fishers will be confined to the region’s southeast coast until Sept. 15. more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 17:23

End of cod moratorium touted after 32 years as Ottawa approves small increase in commercial catch

Thirty-two years after the federal government announced a moratorium that shut down Newfoundland and Labrador’s cod industry, Fisheries Minister Diane Lebouthillier said Wednesday that it is reopening. But what the federal government described in a statement as the “historic return of the commercial northern cod fishery” will amount to just a small increase in fishing activity that had been allowed during the recent years of the moratorium. “Ending the northern cod moratorium is a historic milestone for Newfoundlanders and Labradorians,” Lebouthillier said in a statement. “We will cautiously but optimistically build back this fishery with the prime beneficiaries being coastal and Indigenous communities throughout Newfoundland and Labrador.”  The Fisheries and Oceans announcement comes with political overtones. Video, more, >>CLICK TO READ<< 09:40